Today I'm grateful for neighbors that stayed up all night to buy Killers concert tickets for last Sunday night. THEY ROCKED. Okay, so I'm old, and probably too old to go to a concert on a school night, but it was totally worth it. The Killers are great, but why do I love them 1.My husband idolizes them 2.They have Utah roots and are out of Vegas. 3. They're good 4. They appeal to about everyone.
I'm also grateful to the family that supported my kids in their Trike-a-Thon. Amelia was the first one on her bike and the last one off. She even missed half the time in her jumpy thing to ride her bike around and around. She's awesome. I'll post pictures and thank yous later to all of you who donated, for now I only have pictures of Mikayla, whose teacher had to walk with her around the circle 10 times, holding her hand, while she rode (and that one isn't as fun to post).
I'm grateful for neighbors. I might say that too much, but I'll say it again. I'm grateful for Jeff and Candace who invited four women and five kids over to their house last night for dinner, knowing that all of our husbands are out of town (Dave on business in Ohio, Doug and Jerry at Taledega for the races and Glen at Biloxi in a golf tournament). I'm grateful for Miki who just got home from the hospital with her new baby Max. Man, a new baby just makes you remember how much we love these little ones. I'm grateful to Marla who bought Amelia a new razor scooter today for her birthday, which isn't until July, but she wanted one now. I'm grateful to Jen and Eric who came and hung out tonight, even though Jen is newly pregnant and sick and tired. I'm grateful to Cheryl who stayed and talked to Dave and me about something very important that only a teacher would truly understand, and I'm grateful to Steph who loves my kids almost as much as her own.
I'm grateful for lazy Saturdays when the house is clean and the yardwork is done and the only thing that needs to be done is some scooter riding and a trip up to Helen, Georgia to visit the candy store and eat good food.
I'm grateful for my feisty Mikayla who tells us every day that she's FOUR now and totally not a baby and I'm grateful for my spicy Amelia who thinks the meaning of fashion is wearing camo pants and a striped blue and light blue polo and a gold sequin belt and turquoise flip flops THREE days in a row is total fashion.
I'm grateful for Dave and the fact that every time he gets home from a business trip I am reminded how much he does do around here and how much I miss him and love him.
I'm grateful for warm weather and my Hi-Lo sweatshirt from 1992 that keeps me warm when it does get chilly at night.
What are you grateful for?