What better way to lift my spirits than to post about THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY right now:
1. It is 8:30 AM, and I have nothing pressing that needs to be done, so I get to post about happy things!
2. We are taking the girls camping tonight!
3. Mikayla and I are meeting Amelia for lunch at school and she gets to show Mikayla how to hold a tray and pick yummy food!
4. Dave is finally home after a week away on business.
5. I had time to sit and work out the family budget to keep us on track after some big purchases lately.
6. I've talked to every member of my family this week (except for Elder Stout, of course).
7. I love volunteering in Amelia's class and get to see first hand how great she is doing in Kindergarten!
8. Amelia is doing great in cheerleading and even won the spirit stick on Wednesday.
9. Mikayla loves preschool, and even though she cried at ballet this week (after doing so well last week), at least I know how much she loves her mama.
10. Good friends.
11. A clean house.
12. I had time to SHOP yesterday at the outlet mall, and bought lots of clothes for Dave, and some for me and the girls too.
13. I can see that the sky is going to turn blue, even though we woke up to muggy-grayness.
14. The yard doesn't need to be done this weekend (dormant grass does have its perks).
15. My hair looks good right now...Dave brought his brush home, and it's the only one I can really do my hair with, so when he's gone, it doesn't look so good.
16. I decided to be the Girl Scout troop leader, and even though it's totally disorganized, it will be fun for the girls once we can get started.
17. Good books. I know I already posted about it, but I seriously loved the newest Harry Potter...I couldn't put it down.
18. College football and getting together with friends.
19. Healthy kids.
20. Knowing that God answers my prayers and loves me.
21. Knowing that my kids know that God loves them and answers their prayers too.
22. And last but not least: Friends that unexpectedly drop off goodies that seriously brightened my day and helped me get out of my seasonal rut!