I hate to get caught up in the day to day "mom stuff" that I usually do. I don't want my kids to always come before Dave, but sometimes that is what happens... this last weekend I was reminded of one of the many reasons why I love that guy: when the guy who was going to be the Easter Bunny at the neighborhood party with over 200 people backed out, Dave willingly volunteered to do it...really, willingly. His only request was that he be able to go commando in the costume, so he didn't get too hot. He didn't go through with that part, but he did go through with being the bunny for two straight hours in the sun.
There were tons of little kids sitting on his lap and tons more that were scared to death and he was so cute with them. I was helping with the photos so I got to just watch him for the first hour and it warmed my heart. By the end of the party some of the kids that were scared in the beginning were giving him high-fives at the end. We had explained to the girls that the real Easter Bunny couldn't come, so Daddy was stepping in and they were so proud. Amelia wrote this in her journal:
We wint to the easter egg hunt and the estr bunny cood not come so my Dad had to be it at prdy ther was calaring and and boock mrcks and youg (?) to make a pickshr frame it was fun We all go to take pickshrs with the easter bunny who was my Dad. And then we took all of our egg's and reysickld them. I got 80 egg's ter was face pateing my frend's mom did it and my outhr fred's mom and my mom helped write down who got pickshrs so we got to take home sum stamps after the party we stade to clene that was most defuntly not fun but my Dad was the estr bunny
After 13 (almost) years of marriage I guess it's okay to sometimes need reminders about how much we love our guys...and this was one of those moments that reminded me just how much I do love him. He is my everything.
On another note...since I haven't updated in so long...my ballet classes are going great. I have 19 girls this session. Here are photos from the last recital. It's really low-key but super fun and the girls are really learning a lot. I didn't realize it until one of the grandmas made a comment about her granddaughter in the first recital compared to the third one and it made me realize how great they are all doing.