Also...I set my security settings to private and I only invited ten people to read it and now I don't even remember how to change it...
So here's to the best of 2009 in photos: (and apparently I don't know how to arrange photos, so they are in reverse order:
December: My little brother's wedding--it was nice to be back in Utah and it was nice to be reminded of those vows Dave and I took 13 1/2 years ago. When Josh's new wife's dad spoke at their dinner, it took me back all those years ago because we were so much the money, "college jobs" and full time students...but we were in love...and we made it work. It was a great time!

November: Doug's wedding...a great time with friends and one of the best Thanksgiving dinners I've ever had...not the food, but the people and the feelings of thankfulness.

October: I HATE for warm temperatures to go away, but we had a lot of great family time. My little dance studio is rockin'. This photo is of my jazz/hip hop class. I also teach ballet, and pre-ballet.

September: Okay, so cheerleading was fun, but do you know what was REALLY fun??? When we found out some of our games were on Tuesday nights (which is the night I teach dance) and no other mom would step in, so guess who did???? That's right...Dave did. My dear sweet, manly, hates everything girly, husband did. I love that guy.
(oops, just deleted the photo...and it's not on my laptop...I'll replace later)
August: Two photos...the first one...well, summer isn't summer without camping.
The second photo: My little brother is home from his mission (and yes, he is that tall...6"6' or so). We were so happy to be there for him. You know how you take those "mind photos" of things you never want to forget???? Well, Josh coming down the escalator after serving for two years on his mission is a mind photo I'll never forget.

July: Our Sweet Girl turned eight! We celebrated with a party at the ice skating rink....and most importantly, she found a sport that she is seriously good out Michael Phelps!

June: Edisto Island, Baby! Who know SC had so much to offer??? We met the Georgia friends, plus two nannies and vacationed for a week in a beach house....fabulous!


May: My sweet Daisies all bridged to Brownies...and school is almost out!

April: I loved the fact that when the Easter Bunny wasn't able to make it, Dave stepped this is actually a family photo.

March: Georgia friends who will drive the 4 hours to see us...and nicknamed our house "Fort Marsh" because we never needed to put on make up, go out, or even shower! We were too busy catching up and hanging out.

February: My little Daisy troop is going strong! We have a great group of girls and are meeting great friends.

January: The Utes rollin' over the Tide (but it was nice to be back in Georgia.) Funny to write that now seeing where Alabama just ended up, BUT Utah DID beat them last year.