I really was off to a good start yesterday, I promise! I woke up and got Amelia off to school and then got an oil-change with Mikayla on my recently just-hit-100,000-mile-but-it's-paid-for car and then hit the stores with just one child in tow. My house is in such disarray that I decided the one room in the entire house that is not waiting for paint to dry, my decorator's input or unsanded and unstained hardwood floors that I can't do anything with, is the girls' bathroom. So $200 later (what in the world did I buy?) their bathroom is done. Gone are the navy blue and gold fish that I have had for eight years in three different houses and here are the black and white accents and baby pink walls that my awesome decorator friend suggested (that I do love by the way.)
Anyway, back to my day...I arrived home with Mikayla and madly got everything put away and hung in the 45 minutes I had before I needed to pick up Amelia early so I could run up to the elementary school for a meeting with the choir teacher about the Christmas play. I picked up Amelia and we ran up there in the pouring rain. I came prepared with cookies and cheese and lots of water and then Amelia had to go to the bathroom. I showed her where the nearest one was, and when she came back she said, "Mom, there is red in the toilet." I was busy and just kind of said, "Um, okay, thanks, eat your cookie."
We came home and went to dinner with neighbors. Then our plan was to put the kids in bed and then head next door (with the baby monitor, of course) and play cards. I made Amelia go to the bathroom before bed because she had had an accident the night before (the second one in her ENTIRE life). I looked down and (forgive me) there was indeed a lot of "red" in the toilet. I called her pediatrician at 9PM who told me to rush her to the E.R. We ran Mikayla (sound asleep) to another neighbor's house and got Amelia to the hospital. Two hours later (not too bad, considering it was an ER visit) they gave her an antibiotic for a UTI...poor kid. She tried to tell me, and now it dawns on me that she really hadn't been feeling well all week. I will not be winning any mother-of-the-year awards.
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