Steph, Marla and Doug came over the night before Thanksgiving to prepare the two 20lb. turkeys. We went all out with the seasonings, butter and a secret liquid ingredient inside the turkey. We probably should have paid more attention because I never realized the pan was too small for the turkey.
Well, the turkey ended up being FABULOUS, truly, BUT juices had spilled all over the bottom of the oven, so the next night, I put it on self-clean and didn't give it a second thought. The next thing I know, Dave is screaming for me to come into the kitchen. I came down the stairs, and I couldn't even FIND the kitchen. Smoke was billowing out of the oven and had already taken over the entire first floor of our house. I grabbed the girls and ran over to a neighbor's. Meanwhile, the oven wouldn't turn off because it was still trying to clean it and was locked. Doug came running over and Dave and he got a circuit breaker turned off to the oven. It was a disaster. We have aired out our house for two days and washed everything in the house, but we still have smoke damage. We did have fun getting those turkeys ready and had a fabulous Thanksgiving and delicious turkey, so I'm sure it's all worth it...I'm sure!
Hi Chaun! So, I have been going to the wrong blog address...I don't know how it changed from my favorites - but....so glad that I have found it! Your turkey story is hilarious...we had Thanksgiving at my house - but not quite as adventurous as yours it sounds! So...I totally linked to Stephanie's blog and I SERIOUSLY about died looking at pictures of her and Josh. They are all grown up! The last pics I have in my head of them from so many years ago is Steph in her glasses and all the intelligent things she had to say and Josh with his ear to ear grin and blanket! I just can't believe how time has gone by...
Hi cute sis! You are doing such a good job with your blog it is making me want to start! You're awesome! I'll send you a couple pictures to put on yours of my fam... and you can do the work! I envy you.. I'm so lucky to have you as a big sis.
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