Four jobs you have had in your life:
Waitress: Marie Callender's, Market Street Broiler, Garcias & Golden Corral...I was queen waitress...paid for school, won pie contests and everything!!!! :)
PBX Operator: yes, it was this weird idea I had to leave my $20 an hour waitress job to make $5.25 at University Park Hotel in SLC. I lasted about three weeks.
Teacher: Taught 8th and 9th grade English and Drama at FJH for four years and 9th -12th grade English at Lifeline; I won't even count my last gig at Cornerstone as teaching...I'm not sure much teaching goes on in there, or at least not the kind of teaching that I respect (I'm not bitter.)
Tutor: I just have one girl right now that I tutor and have for two years. She's adorable and the money is good.

Four movies you would watch over and over:
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
My Best Friend's Wedding
Mr. Holland's Opus

Four places you have lived:
Bloomington, Utah: elementary school and back for junior college
Logan, Utah: born there and then back for junior and high school
Woods Cross, Utah: lived there after we graduated from the U and were married; fabulous friends still there
Cumming, Georgia: so happy here!

Four TV shows you love to watch:
American Idol
The Apprentice
America's Next Top Model

Four places you have been on vacation:

Four websites you visit daily:
Bank of America
My blog and my friends' blogs
Ebay (not daily, but often)

Four of my favorite foods:
Diet Coke
Wendy's cheeseburgers with McDonald's fries
oatmeal (Kroger brand fruit and cream variety pack, to be exact)

That's it! Copy this blog and use it in yours so I can read it!
3 comments: MUST get hooked on LOST like I am! I love! I will do this when I get back from Europe! xoxoxox J
I totally forgot about is my all time favorite show and really the only non-reality show. We caught it when they replayed the first season during the summer and now we can't miss an it!!!
Chaun... I so remember how proud we were of you winning the paid vacation for selling the most pies! Also, do you have to go to Wendy's and then McDonald's to get your full meal?
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