- She is totally her own person...when most girls her age say their favorite colors are pink and purple, Amelia proudly tells them hers is GREEN.
- She tells me all the time she is a "Fashion Girl" and she really cares about what she wears. The thing is, it's her OWN version of what's "fashion." It has to have sparkles and be purple or green and then she wears it for at least five days straight. This picture is of the outfit she wore the first seven days of school in a row (a purple sparkly shirt is under the jacket).
- She is so sweet to her sister and very protective of her.
- She is a daddy's girl, but she worries that it makes me feel bad, so she will run and hug me and then jump right back in daddy's lap.
- She loves to get dirty and play outside more than anything else. She is truly the dirtiest kid I know. This picture is of Amelia and her worms.
- She wakes up every day happy and wants to go to school.
- She loves art and making messes with paint, Play-doh, stamps, etc. and is very creative.
- She is the best little help in the kitchen...and I mean "real help." She sets the table and stirs and never lets us forget to pray before a meal (although she insists on saying the prayer they say at school).
- She makes our family complete and we love her so much!
She looks so much like you Chaun! Adorable little girl. Sounds like you are very proud of her - and you should be! I hope I am able to get my little girl someday!
Amelia's awesome... sounds like she can come hang with my boys! Maybe she'll teach them a thing or two!!! She looks just like you (and that's a compliment).
oh, yeah... and my favorite color is green and has been for MANY years... so tell her she is cool like Aunt Chel
And guess what....my favorite color is green too!
I can't believe I didn't post here. I'm going to claim Amelia as my own child.
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