I've realized something, there are Givers and there are Takers in this world and very few in between. On days when I am tired and grouchy, the Takers seriously about put me over the edge. They are the friends who can only talk about themselves, never ask you about how YOU are doing, never compliment anyone but seek compliments from everyone else, and never look for ways they can help someone make their life a little easier.
I am a Giver...I wouldn't say I'm a Giver to the extreme, but I go out of my way for others. I see when they need help and I compliment people and try to make them feel better. This should be a good thing, right? The problem is, I tend to get taken advantage of and end up feeling pretty bad about myself. I shouldn't depend on others to make me feel good, but to hear that your earrings are cute or your hair cut looks great, or "Hey, can I take your kids for an hour tomorrow" sure sounds nice. The problem is Takers find Givers and I seem to have surrounded myself with quite a few Takers.
On a positive note, I do have a few Giver friends and on the good days when I can focus on the good, the Takers aren't so annoying, and I'm overwhelmed by the sweetness of Giver friends...like Cheryl who picked my kids up at 9:15 this morning to take them to art camp...giving me an extra HOUR to myself (actually doing things for others, but at least I didn't have the kids). I hope today I can focus on that instead of getting down and pushed around by the Takers.
Peace...love...needed to vent!
I firmly believe in being a "Giver" myself. The great thing is that if you surround yourself with other "givers" then there is plenty of "take" to go around. Does that make sense? I feel lucky to have a lot of "giving" friends and family. I've found that "takers" usually drop out of the picture eventually...just the nature of the beast. Who wants a constant "taker" weighing you down?
Chaun, I wish I was there to help you out or notice your new hair cut or to take the girls for the day. The good thing is that we get to choose who surround us and maybe it's time to re-evaluate all those "takers." You deserve to be around the "givers," because you are one!! Chin-up... you are as wonderful as you are because of all the "takers" out there... it really brings out the best in you. Love ya!
You're so awesome! I think you're funny and pretty. You're in good shape, you've got a lot of depth and you're a great mom. And a good "giver" too.
Wow, thanks friends. A kind word goes a long way when I've had a bad day (or few days). I really needed to vent. I'm glad there are Givers out there who know what I'm talking about. Thanks for the praise Brittany. It's nice to hear sometimes. And Chel and Suzie Petunia, I really do need to reevaluate some of my friendships...I feel like I am really gettting dragged down by some "friends" and really worn out!
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