On another note, I received this FABULOUS package in the mail the other day....filled with the most amazing scrapbook supplies you have ever seen! Jayme, you are so awesome. My other friends, if you haven't checked her blog, you need to (Best High School Bud). She is so talented...and so generous. Thanks so much Jayme.
On another note, I love Halloween. I love the costumes, decorations, the crafts, trick-or-treating, goodies, and orange and black.

On another note, apparently Mikayla won a contest at Kiddie Kandids that I didn't enter her in. The photographer called and left a message a few months ago, but I kind of spaced it and it was hard to understand what she was talking about. I just got a call from a neighbor that said she was in the studio and a huge water-color portrait was hanging in the studio of Mikayla that they had done copying the portrait...pretty fun...but I won't say anything else about that...kind of a weird situation because Amelia's pictures were taken that same day too.
On another note, I just commented on Jessi's blog and thought I would share here too: A hurricane comes through my house EVERY day. Today it was stamps and glue...everywhere. Then an impromptu "water stand" complete with every camping chair (and bicycle and stroller) we have pulled out on the sidewalk with the girls selling WATER to people passing by. Not only that, they got every cup out of the cupboard and filled them with water, spilling it everywhere because we didn't have paper cups. The nice people that stopped by had to guzzle water and leave the cups behind...so now I have a hurricane inside and outside.
On another note, my friend Candice just had her sweet baby and Candice is amazing and has amazing stories...I can't wait for the details on this one. Meanwhile, check out her blog.
On another note, check my grandparents' store's website. They have the cutest stuff!
On another note, I love warm weather. I think I start getting depressed in the fall. I love the colors and the change, but I really just like it to be hot.
Alright, those were my deep thoughts of the week....I'm signing off until I have something to say!
wow.. that's a lot of "on another note(s)" It sounds like one of my random blogs!! You seem to not be freaking out anymore... so that is good. And also I LOVE October and HALLOWEEN too. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday... love love love it! Remember when Ryk was 1 and I had that darling picture of him "fishing" done at Kiddie Kandids? That one hung at Kiddie Kandids for awhile and now it's in his room, but it's not a water-color, just a big picture. You should ask them for it. I haven't been to Kiddie Kandids for probably 6 years!! Maybe I should go back, they do a good job. That is so super cool... Amelia should be there fore sure!! Also, I think I'm taking a bloggy break too and many of my friends have. I'll check in every once in awhile though. And one last thing... cool about your new scrapbook stuff. Show us what you create!! I love looking at pages! I wish I was more creative. ummm that might be all. I can't remember. Talk to you later!
oh yeah, and the water selling thing... HILARIOUS! I hope you got some pictures.
1. Jayme is awesome. I wish you lived here, so I could steal your stuff.
2. What are you going to dress up as?? I'm seriously thinking about being the Little Mermaid this year.
3. You have beeeautiiiiful girls.
4. The water stand made me laugh so hard that I almost cried. Did they charge for the water??? Please tell me they did.
5. I totally get SADs in the fall... as soon as it gets overcast, I start struggling. Maybe all of us Stout girls need the sun...
A water stand? That is way to awesome. I should try that, I could use the money.
I love halloween too, but I hate being scared. So minus the haunted houses and the gory movies...I love halloween.
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