We spent a wonderful Thankgiving with just the four of us. The girls helped with the turkey and Dave made his mom's fabulous mashed potatoes. I made real gravy for the first time, actually, I made turkey for the first time alone too. We missed our family, but it was so fun!

I'm grateful for Aunt Jo, and the beautiful china she gave Dave and me at our wedding. We never really get the chance to use it, so it was fun to set the table and pull it all out.

This was my beautiful turkey!
Why is my sidebar with links not showing on my blog??? Can anyone help me???????????
Chaun, your links and archives are showing up fine on my computer and on your blog... so I can't help. I had to change templates once because they would show up at the very end of a page of archives... after scrolling all the way down, so it may be time to change your appearance.
It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. We were going to do a dinner alone, but Dame's parents ended up being in town because they had some stuff going on. I bet it was so nice. No hussling about and stress... just you and your fam. Sounds wonderful!! The girls look adorable. That little Amelia is sure growing up. She looks like a little lady.
The turkey looks great. I bet it was delicious. Why don't you post Dave's secret to mashed potatoes? I love mashed potatoes and like to try different varieties.
Chell, you were totally right. They were hidden at the bottom. I will try to change things! I'll let you know Dave's recipe...I need to blog about it!
So fun to have your own Thanksgiving! Look at your cute little family. Look at how beautiful Amelia's hair is.
You're girls are so cute. Actually Amelia is past cute and into pretty. My family never had thanksgiving alone and now I wish we had. It looks like it was fun. :D
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