First, here are our entries into the Stout Family Gingerbread House Contest...although, I'm not sure we're doing it this year. I guess that just makes our chances a lot greater of taking home the blue ribbon. (A side note: we compete during every holiday, but everyone, "Reddest egg award," "Most Colorful gingerbread house," etc. However, secretly we all hope for the top-prize. So here it goes:

The beautiful Amelia is showing her AB and ABB patterns she has learned in Kindergarten. Her favorite part of her house is the roof...the stripe of pink and purple. She did her house ALL by herself, with just a little help constructing it. This is the first year she did all her own frosting!

Mikayla is showing promising skills. This is the first year she got to do her own house, although I had to do most of the frosting. Her favorite part by far was eating the candy. Sometimes she even sucked on them and then still used them on her house. The peppermint candy on the window is an example of that. She says the colorful candies represent the colorful Christmas girl.

This brings us to Mikayla's Preschool Christmas program. She cried through the whole thing. I'm serious, the whole thing. However, she still didn't run off the stage. Look closely, you can see her crying.

This brings us to Bailey's "Nutcracker Tea." How cute is that idea? All the moms and daughters got together and decorated cookies and then watched the Barbie Nutcracker. It was SUPER FUN!

Mikayla showed off her skills decorating AND eating it all before I even got a good picture.

Saturday we went to our friend's party at the clubhouse. The Jolly Fellow Himself was in attendance. You can see all the kids that were there, but for some reason when it was my kids' turn, they took about three times longer on Santa's lap than everyone else. I found out later that Amelia had A LOT of questions for, "how exactly do those reindeer fly? Do you fit down everyone's chimney? I told you my list already, but now I really want a Hannah Montana doll...can I add it on there?" She also told him all about her kindergarten program and how they sing songs about him and what kinds of food we are leaving him on Christmas Eve.

The coolest part of everything that I don't have pictures for is after the party I TOTALLY SURPRISED the family and had bought tickets to see "Annie" at the Holly Theater in Dahlonega. We drove up there and it wasn't until Dave saw the billboard that he even knew where we were going. It was SO FUN! After the show, the girls got to get autographs from Annie and some of the orphans, and Lilly and Miss Hannigan. Miss Hannigan was played by the mom of a girl in Mik's preschool class last year. I knew that going into it, so it wouldn't be scary for my hyper-sensitive girls. Anyway, it was a blast! I think I will continue the tradition every year!

On a final note, this morning my neighbor called because her Sunday paper didn't come and she really wanted the ads. So I sent my girls over with ours and Mik was complaining that her boots hurt. Well, I basically told her to suck it up, and it was her footy pajamas. After coming home, she took her boots off and approximately 15 rocks and a doll hair brush fell out of them. Maybe I should have checked that....