I love that he is crazy, even though sometimes it drives me crazy.
I love that when I met him there wasn't a "girly" thing about him and now I watch him do the best ponytails ever, explain to his mom exactly what High School Musical is and who is in it, and even play Barbies.
I love that he never gets mad at me over things that I would come un-glued over...like denting the car for example.
I love how much he is respected at work. Dave is not a "bossy boss" and everyone loves him so much. He does everything he can for his people to get "exposure" to those above, even if it puts him in the shadow a bit. He puts in extra time so a lady who works for him could go home to India for the holidays; he has helped another lady battle cancer, divorce and still trying to hang on to her job. He is never flamboyant, and as a result it has gained him respect that I am amazed by every time I meet someone he works with.
I love that when he cleans out his closet he carefully makes a pile for the five boys across the street of anything "cool." Then I love that he gets excited when he sees them wearing them (which is all the time!)
I love the way he loves me and our kids.
I love the way he makes breakfast when we are camping.
I love that he makes the bed every day.
I love that he knows so much about everything. He can talk to anyone, in any position and make them feel completely comfortable.
I love that when I don't understand something (usually history, investing or politics) and he can explain it so that I understand it.
I love that he trusts me with all the finances and never questions or second-guesses my decisions.
I love that he works hard so I don't have to and I can be home to raise my kids.
I married my best friend, and I am so blessed to have found him.

Dave is such a stud. I'm glad you married him, too.
Happy Birthday Dave!!!
I hope you have an awesome day together! Happy Birthday to Dave!
Dave is a totally awesome dude. He's always been not only respected by his co-workers, but family and friends. He is so great and I hope he had a happy birthday!!
Did he get our gift? I hope so!
Happy Birthday Super Dave! I'm happy your in our family.
Hold everything!!! He makes the bed???? Where can I get me some of that?
Happy b'day old man...
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