Okay, so I have PMS, I left my house at 8AM, taught 12 darling preschoolers, went straight to teach 18 Pee Wee Tennis Players, went straight to meet a friend and her kids for dinner and went straight to take Amelia to Cubbies, returning tonight at 7:00. My husband has been gone...again. His flight was cancelled to come home tonight (damn weather) and I'm tired, so maybe that has something to do with it...but I cried today. I mean, I had tears streaming, gulped-in-air cried. Why you ask? Because of all of the above? NO!!!!!

It was another Publix commercial. For my bloggy friends that don't see these commercials in your neck of the woods, let me summarize: A little boy about 10 years, comes home from school and tells his mom he wants to make a cake for someone that he really likes. His mom smiles knowingly and starts to get out all the ingredients (from Publix, of course). She asks him if the girl knows that he likes her and he replies, "Ya, I guess." Well, they are having a blast together making the cake and she shows him how to cut it into a heart and then asks if he wants to put the girl's name on the top of the cake. He says, "No, that's okay." The next day the mom is dropping him off at school and as he leaves, she yells, "HEY, YOU FORGOT YOUR CAKE!" He turns around and smiles at his mom and turns back around and goes into the school. THE CAKE WAS FOR HIS MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean seriously, how cute is that? Yep, I cried.
Awwwww...fer cute. I too am prone to bouts of crying but the reason for me is sleep deprivation. Hang in there!
Every once in a while you NEED a good cry (and a break!!!). Is there a time I can take your girls while you take a nap or something??
Dude Chaun...I have been crying for like two weeks it seems! Stories for another day...but I know how you feel. The commercial sounds so awesome. I would totally be bawling too. Love you!
Great commercial. I am totally with you. And you explained it very well! I always cry when I see it. It was on last year around valentines day too, and I STILL stop everything and watch it. Just thinking about it makes me teary! :-)
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