Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A Great Weekend!

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Caught in a Lie
Oh, okay, maybe it wasn't a lie, but it was definitely quite an imagination.
Last week, my girls found their way into the home of our new retired neighbors. They were sitting at their kitchen table eating soup and kneeling over the table stealing the avacados and cherry tomatoes out of the couple's salads when I entered through the back door looking for them. (We talked about manners later.)
Since this was our FIRST meeting (no, I hadn't met them before my children sat at the table), I introduced myself as the mother to the children eating at their table. This conversation followed:
Her: You look so young to have three children.
Me: Oh, I just have these two.
Her: What about your son?
Me: Oh, I don't have a son, just the two girls.
Her: Your son Justin? Amelia's twin?
Me: HUH?
Her: The one that is home sick in bed? The one that was sitting next to his friend at school who was really sick so he caught it and is now sick in bed? You know, Amelia's five-year-old twin?
Me: Um, it looks like Amelia was using her imagination. I'm sorry, um, I just have the two girls.
Meanwhile, Amelia looked a little embarrassed but then continued eating the avacado out of the neighbor's salad.
So, that's the story of my perfectly mannered, masters in stranger-danger, always-telling-the-truth children. I'm so proud. I'm for sure winning mother of the year now.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Overheard Today
"I think God is sad when we litter, because it makes the world that He made not-so-pretty."
Monday, February 12, 2007
Some February Happenings
Our annual trip to Build-a-Bear:
Amelia named hers "Hello Kitty Chocolate Bear Cub"
Mikayla named her bear "Layla Brittney"
AND, last but not least:
Mikayla got her ears pierced!
We were riding the carousel and eating fries when Mikayla said, "Mom, I want to get my 'ears peered.'" Anyway, I actually tried to put it off until later, but she wanted it. It hurt, and she cried a little, but man, she is brave! She is so proud! Amelia is going to wait a little while!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I'm going on a date....really, a real date, tonight. Miki offered to take the girls overnight tonight for a sleepover! Dave and I both have colds, but we're going on a date, a real date. What should I wear? Should I take a nap so I am refreshed? Should I leave my cell phone at home, on "accident?" I don't even know what to do with myself. I'm going on a date.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Mikayla models everything she wears, in this photo it is a one-of-a-kind Grandma Sue Sweater. We think she might be America's Next Top Model.
Have a great day! :)
Friday, February 02, 2007
Sweet Dreams
Okay, this is hilarious, after I posted this one, Nana sent in a picture of her babies....does it look familiar?
When Mikayla was tiny and in her crib, we would frequently wake up to find Amelia sound asleep in Mikayla's crib holding her little sister. We soon just started putting them both to bed in the crib.

When we got rid of the crib a couple of years ago, we bought bunk beds. They both slept on the bottom bed together. Finally about six months ago, Amelia moved to the top. Well, Mikayla has started crying a little bit at night, and I wondered why she would suddenly stop, but I never went in to check. It turns out Amelia has been climbing down from the top and snuggling with her and tickling her back until she's happy. Or she will wake up her sister and get her to come up to her bed. Now, once again, they just go to sleep together. We don't even try to put them in separate beds. They love each other!

Here is the bed that never gets slept in!
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