I'm going on a date....really, a real date, tonight. Miki offered to take the girls overnight tonight for a sleepover! Dave and I both have colds, but we're going on a date, a real date. What should I wear? Should I take a nap so I am refreshed? Should I leave my cell phone at home, on "accident?" I don't even know what to do with myself. I'm going on a date.

you are so cute...i am jealous...i really need to go on a date. wear something super sexy. you look hot in black....xoxox have fun!
I'm so excited for you. Amelia and Mikayla will have so much fun with Miki.. Just go and have fun. But I think you need a short nap before going.
I am jealous too. I like you in red, especially knowing your hair is all dark.
Take a nap, do your nails, and brush your teeth... and don't forget deodrant.
I'm SOOOOO jealous! Joe and I made plans to go out tonight and all of our babysitters were 'unavailable'! I hate that.
Isn't it so sad that we go out so infrequently that we don't even know where to start getting ready? I can completely relate.
I hope you have a wonderful evening - you had better have an extra good time to make up for me staying at home!
Next time it's my turn to watch your girls!!
That is so dang cute, I can't stand it.
hope it was fun. I hope he didn't try any funny business. did you have to tell him you're not that kind of girl?
Yowzas. Sounds awesome. I'm neck deep in kids who are sick and annoying (sorry kids). I'd love a break!!!!
Wow, thanks Friends for all of your well-wishes! We had a great date! We went to Benihana and then came home...it was fun. The kids came home this morning so happy. Mikayla cried out for "Mommy" all night, but apparently she did it in her sleep. Thank Goodness for good friends that recognize someone needs a break! Candice, I wish I could give you one...really.
Oh, I wore the same jeans I put on in the morning with a little bit of flour on them from the second birthday party Amelia went to during the day (where they made pizzas) and a turtleneck sweater...I didn't turn any heads!
I didn't even get the chance to give you advice! I'm sure you turned heads, Chaun.
Unless you had pit stains, which is likely.
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