Monday, March 26, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Mikayla Mae
that a little girl
who looks so much like Daddy
is such a

She always has been, but this particular phase is even worse. She won't let me leave her sight. She does fine for a few minutes (at school or at the gym or whatever), but when she sees me, she cries and cries until I hold her. I am LOSING IT. It's a good thing I love her so much!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Sometimes I'm just irritated with everything. I know it's brought on my feeling overwhelmed or feeling bored, but I think mostly it's brought on by hormones. Seriously, if this kid in my preschool class says, "EXCUSE ME" any louder, while he's actually interrupting and poking me in the hip with his little finger over and over again, I think I'm going to scream.
If my kids keep fighting, I lose it. If I get to the gym late for spin and have to ride the old bike, if I am too tired to give Dave the attention I want to, if I am craving sweets but can't find Dots, if my kids require all my attention too often in the day, I LOSE IT. Some days I just feel irritated with everything.
On another note, I spent a very enjoyable evening last night. I went to pick Amelia up at a school friend's house about 20 minutes away. I recognized the Hummer in the driveway and pulled up to the $700K house and wasn't sure what to expect. I was greated by the sweetest, most down-to-earth mom in the world. Her other little girl is almost one. When she was seven months pregnant with her, she found a lump in her breast and within one week, found out she had cancer, was induced and had a 3 lb. baby girl who had to stay in the hospital. She had a double masectomy, a hysterectomy, started chemo, gained 30 lbs. and lost all her hair...and she's 37. But, she had a beautiful baby and she's healthy now. It kind of puts things in perspective. When she's having a bad day, her four year old tells her, "Mom, at least it's not a treatment day."
So, I guess when I feel irritated, I can remind myself that I'm healthy. My family is healthy and we hare happy. Some days are harder than others, but man, people have been through so much worse. I need to try not to get so irritated!
If my kids keep fighting, I lose it. If I get to the gym late for spin and have to ride the old bike, if I am too tired to give Dave the attention I want to, if I am craving sweets but can't find Dots, if my kids require all my attention too often in the day, I LOSE IT. Some days I just feel irritated with everything.
On another note, I spent a very enjoyable evening last night. I went to pick Amelia up at a school friend's house about 20 minutes away. I recognized the Hummer in the driveway and pulled up to the $700K house and wasn't sure what to expect. I was greated by the sweetest, most down-to-earth mom in the world. Her other little girl is almost one. When she was seven months pregnant with her, she found a lump in her breast and within one week, found out she had cancer, was induced and had a 3 lb. baby girl who had to stay in the hospital. She had a double masectomy, a hysterectomy, started chemo, gained 30 lbs. and lost all her hair...and she's 37. But, she had a beautiful baby and she's healthy now. It kind of puts things in perspective. When she's having a bad day, her four year old tells her, "Mom, at least it's not a treatment day."
So, I guess when I feel irritated, I can remind myself that I'm healthy. My family is healthy and we hare happy. Some days are harder than others, but man, people have been through so much worse. I need to try not to get so irritated!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I love to shop...for other people. I mean, I love to shop for me too, sometimes, but it is so much fun to shop for other people. I went to the outlet mall this morning and picked up 15 knitted hats regularly 6.50 for .99 for the girls to give their friends next Christmas. I also bought the girls clothes at CP super cheap and me a couple of things at the Gap.
When I picked up Amelia we went to the mall and went to PB Kids for Miki's baby shower. I had so much fun off her registry that I bought stuff for my friends to give her too (reimbursed, of course). I went to Disney to buy for Kaitlyn and Ava's birthdays. I went to PB to buy Natasha a wedding gift. Then I went to Bath and Body Works for Miki's birthday, the Kaitlyn that I tutor and Hillary, our best babysitter. Anyway, it was just fun to have so many people to buy for.
Why am I blogging about this? I have no idea.
When I picked up Amelia we went to the mall and went to PB Kids for Miki's baby shower. I had so much fun off her registry that I bought stuff for my friends to give her too (reimbursed, of course). I went to Disney to buy for Kaitlyn and Ava's birthdays. I went to PB to buy Natasha a wedding gift. Then I went to Bath and Body Works for Miki's birthday, the Kaitlyn that I tutor and Hillary, our best babysitter. Anyway, it was just fun to have so many people to buy for.
Why am I blogging about this? I have no idea.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
My Dad
My dad is the greatest. Because it's his birthday (in two days), I wanted to share some thoughts about him. Reading the book "Why a daughter Needs a Dad" reminded me of just how much I love him.
A daughter needs a dad to learn that when he says it will be okay soon, it will. My dad always put things in perspective for me.
A daughter needs a dad who will make sacrifices so she will not have to sacrifice. I can't even begin to describe the sacrifices my dad made on my behalf. He is one of the most unselfish people I have ever known.
A daughter needs a dad to teach her that her value as a person is more than the way she looks. My dad always focused on brains. I did well in school because of him. He made me wonder about the world and was NEVER too busy to engage in serious talks about everything from boys to God.
A daughter needs a dad who will never think she is too old to need him. I can't let a week go by without talking to my dad. Sometimes I have nothing to say, but I just need to hear his voice.
A daughter needs a dad to make the family whole and complete. This could not be more true in my family's situation.
A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men. I measured every boy I dated to my dad. Dave is the only one that made the cut. :)
A daughter needs a dad who will influence her life even when he isn't with her. My dad influences my life every day.
A daughter needs a dad to tuck her in at night. My dad is the reason I love books. He read until we fell asleep. But he not only read to us, I have memories of crying because my legs hurt so bad from growing pains, and he would sit with me until it didn't hurt anymore.
A daughter needs a dad to protect her when she is not wise enough to protect herself. Dixie College, enough said.
A daughter needs a dad to help her take the risks that will build her confidence. From sports, to college, to marriage, he helped me weigh the risks, and then go for it.
A daughter needs a dad to teach her that a man's strength is not the force of his hand or his voice, but the kindness of his heart. My dad didn't have to say much, I always knew if he would be disappointed, and I never wanted to let him down.
A daughter needs a dad to help her try again whenever she fails. From high school cheerleader failure, to succeeding at college dance team...I dared try again.
A daughter needs a dad to give her the gentle pushes that help her grow. He even coached softball, just so I'd give it a try.
A daughter needs a dad to show her how to fix things for herself. I am independent and can fix anything, from crazy emotions to a broken toy...not to mention small repairs around the house, because of my dad.
A daughter needs a dad to learn that when he says it will be okay soon, it will. My dad always put things in perspective for me.
A daughter needs a dad who will make sacrifices so she will not have to sacrifice. I can't even begin to describe the sacrifices my dad made on my behalf. He is one of the most unselfish people I have ever known.
A daughter needs a dad to teach her that her value as a person is more than the way she looks. My dad always focused on brains. I did well in school because of him. He made me wonder about the world and was NEVER too busy to engage in serious talks about everything from boys to God.
A daughter needs a dad who will never think she is too old to need him. I can't let a week go by without talking to my dad. Sometimes I have nothing to say, but I just need to hear his voice.
A daughter needs a dad to make the family whole and complete. This could not be more true in my family's situation.
A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men. I measured every boy I dated to my dad. Dave is the only one that made the cut. :)
A daughter needs a dad who will influence her life even when he isn't with her. My dad influences my life every day.
A daughter needs a dad to tuck her in at night. My dad is the reason I love books. He read until we fell asleep. But he not only read to us, I have memories of crying because my legs hurt so bad from growing pains, and he would sit with me until it didn't hurt anymore.
A daughter needs a dad to protect her when she is not wise enough to protect herself. Dixie College, enough said.
A daughter needs a dad to help her take the risks that will build her confidence. From sports, to college, to marriage, he helped me weigh the risks, and then go for it.
A daughter needs a dad to teach her that a man's strength is not the force of his hand or his voice, but the kindness of his heart. My dad didn't have to say much, I always knew if he would be disappointed, and I never wanted to let him down.
A daughter needs a dad to help her try again whenever she fails. From high school cheerleader failure, to succeeding at college dance team...I dared try again.
A daughter needs a dad to give her the gentle pushes that help her grow. He even coached softball, just so I'd give it a try.
A daughter needs a dad to show her how to fix things for herself. I am independent and can fix anything, from crazy emotions to a broken toy...not to mention small repairs around the house, because of my dad.
A daughter needs a dad because without him she will have less in her life than she deserves.
Thanks Dad! Happy Dir-Bay, Leprechaun, Easter, Christmas!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Random Thoughts
I think I have a touch of ADD...maybe even ADHD. I hear it's hereditary (thanks mom and dad), but I see it in my kids too. Anyway, I tried to keep track of my thoughts while I was getting ready for bed last night (15 minutes). Here is a sampling:
I wonder if Eric knows how lucky he is to have a wife (D) who wears the same shirt every day and doesn't spend a fortune on clothes.
I forgot to give Baylor his goody bag from the Tooth Fairy from when he was absent on Monday, don't forget on Friday.
I really want to go to Disney World. Why didn't the AAA travel lady call back today to let me know about deals in May?
Did the moms in preschool know how much I appreciated them today taking the class so Steph and I could have an hour to go to a luncheon?
Did Marla get the heating pad out of her mailbox for Doug's back and did Kaitlyn's fever go down?
How did I forget pajama night at AWANA for Amelia? (Thank goodness Terah called to remind me.)
Don't forget the hula hoop for school Friday.
Why in the world is it okay for everyone to make comments about "staying at home" or spending the work day "locked up in an office out of the sunshine." I just want to reply, "My husband doesn't have a job like yours (athletic director) because he makes sacrifices so that I can raise my kids. I'm sure he'd like to have his only stress be which basketball court to have Pee Wee tennis on so that it doesn't interfere with gymnastics, but I don't have to send my kids to day care." That would be incredibly rude for me to say, but isn't it rude to insinuate that my husband works too hard or has a "lame office job out of the sunshine" and doesn't spend enough time with our kids?
It's going to rain tomorrow. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to put away winter clothes.
I should sell those soccer shoes at the consignment store.
Should I really put Amelia in cheerleading? Didn't I say I would never do that? Why does she want to do it so bad?
Amelia didn't get a good dinner tonight. I wish I wouldn't have forgotten the pajamas...I had to run home to get them and she didn't get to eat much because we were running late.
I don't know if I can do Girls Night Out tomorrow. It seems like too much stress because Dave won't be home in time for me to go on time. Should I get a babysitter from 6:30 until when he gets home?
Should I work out in the morning or just go to the gym in the afternoon?
I have wrinkles. I don't think Mary Kay is working as well as it used to.
I need to go tanning. My spider veins show up a lot more when I'm not tan.
I think I pulled a muscle in my inner thigh.
Is it too late to drink a Diet Coke?
And that's a sampling of my thought process last night....random thoughts from me.
I wonder if Eric knows how lucky he is to have a wife (D) who wears the same shirt every day and doesn't spend a fortune on clothes.
I forgot to give Baylor his goody bag from the Tooth Fairy from when he was absent on Monday, don't forget on Friday.
I really want to go to Disney World. Why didn't the AAA travel lady call back today to let me know about deals in May?
Did the moms in preschool know how much I appreciated them today taking the class so Steph and I could have an hour to go to a luncheon?
Did Marla get the heating pad out of her mailbox for Doug's back and did Kaitlyn's fever go down?
How did I forget pajama night at AWANA for Amelia? (Thank goodness Terah called to remind me.)
Don't forget the hula hoop for school Friday.
Why in the world is it okay for everyone to make comments about "staying at home" or spending the work day "locked up in an office out of the sunshine." I just want to reply, "My husband doesn't have a job like yours (athletic director) because he makes sacrifices so that I can raise my kids. I'm sure he'd like to have his only stress be which basketball court to have Pee Wee tennis on so that it doesn't interfere with gymnastics, but I don't have to send my kids to day care." That would be incredibly rude for me to say, but isn't it rude to insinuate that my husband works too hard or has a "lame office job out of the sunshine" and doesn't spend enough time with our kids?
It's going to rain tomorrow. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to put away winter clothes.
I should sell those soccer shoes at the consignment store.
Should I really put Amelia in cheerleading? Didn't I say I would never do that? Why does she want to do it so bad?
Amelia didn't get a good dinner tonight. I wish I wouldn't have forgotten the pajamas...I had to run home to get them and she didn't get to eat much because we were running late.
I don't know if I can do Girls Night Out tomorrow. It seems like too much stress because Dave won't be home in time for me to go on time. Should I get a babysitter from 6:30 until when he gets home?
Should I work out in the morning or just go to the gym in the afternoon?
I have wrinkles. I don't think Mary Kay is working as well as it used to.
I need to go tanning. My spider veins show up a lot more when I'm not tan.
I think I pulled a muscle in my inner thigh.
Is it too late to drink a Diet Coke?
And that's a sampling of my thought process last night....random thoughts from me.
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