that a little girl
who looks so much like Daddy
is such a

She always has been, but this particular phase is even worse. She won't let me leave her sight. She does fine for a few minutes (at school or at the gym or whatever), but when she sees me, she cries and cries until I hold her. I am LOSING IT. It's a good thing I love her so much!
I SOOOO understand where you are coming from! Ali looks so much like Joe did as a little kid (only in a more feminine way!) but she is a TOTAL mommies girl. What can you do? I wish I had some advice, but I don't. I do think that they sort of go through stages though, she may just need time to out grow it. I think it is probably worse because our husbands are gone so much. I know that Ali is much worse when Joe has been out of town all week. It gets better when he has had a few days at home.
Thanks for staying in touch. You are such a dear friend!
Seriously. It must be a thing. Cole looks exactly like Steve and he's so all over me!!!
Driving me nuts too.
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