And here is her story from bedtime tonight as best as I can remember:
"There once was a little girl named Chaunette and she is my best friend. She gets up every morning and cooks waffles and strawberries and blueberries for me. She takes me to school and teaches the littler kids while I'm there and fixes me a lunch with a note that tells me she loves me. Then she takes me home and fixes me a snack and plays with me and I play with my friends and then she fixes me dinner and I love her."
Okay, if we can leave the fact that food is mentioned as my number one duty around here, her story made me happy. Man, I love my kids. I LOVE MY KIDS.
And on another note...In a fifteen minute converation with my mom this afternoon, the kids had destroyed six different rooms and the backyard. They really do have a two minute attention span. Yes, I know, a five year old should be able to focus on something for longer, but mine doesn't. She likes to be different; I like to blame it on D.
On another note, Mikayla's sweet little friend from school who has Leukemia is a reminder to us all, that health is a blessing. Tonight I brought them dinner and to my surprise, the mom wanted us to come in because sweet Kristen wanted to play with Mikayla. Well, after about ten minutes, Amelia turns around and has a good three feet of toilet paper hanging out the back of her pants from when she had to wipe her own bottom while I was on the phone with my mom an hour or two before. Then after I had let Kristen's mom know that my kids were not sick (which they aren't at all) Mikayla let's out the biggest sneeze and then starts coughing (Georgia alleries as all of my local friends understand). Anyway, it was easy to keep it all in perspective. God is in control of everything. He loves us, and He loves these children and the little things just don't matter so much.
I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again.... You are SUCH A GREAT MOM!!!!!
your girls are beautiful. samantha wore that blue and animal print dress on her 1st birthday. cute!
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