Happy Birthday Mikayla Mae!
And here are just a few reasons why I love this sweet little girl:
1. She loves to look "fashion" but has her own distinction of "cute" and "fashion" and has a certain preference each day.
2. She is terrified of sharks and always asks me if there is a shark in the lake, or river, or whatever body of water we are passing.
1. She loves to look "fashion" but has her own distinction of "cute" and "fashion" and has a certain preference each day.
2. She is terrified of sharks and always asks me if there is a shark in the lake, or river, or whatever body of water we are passing.
3. She still mixes up her pronouns. For example, she says, "Him is so mean! Him is not invited to my birthday!"
4. She gives the best hugs and squeezes so tight that she chokes me.
5. She is loyal and always sticks up for her friends.
6. She is a trooper. I forget how young she is compared to the Daisies (she's not supposed to be in the troop) and I still expect the same out of her and forget that she's a lot younger.

9. She's funny. She makes everyone laugh. She's always the kid that says the most inappropriate things (about panties or "stinky toots" or whatever) in the class, even though it drives her teacher crazy.

10. She likes to disagree. She tells me she has a bad day, just because in the morning I told her she was going to have a GREAT DAY. She tells me she hates ice cream just because I had mentioned that she loves ice cream! She insists that she's getting tattoos and a belly ring just because I told her how much I hate them.
11. She is really, really good at art.
12. She can play dolls forever by herself. She loves Barbies, PollyPockets, her American Girl doll...whatever.

14. She's very independent. She potty trained herself at 20 months and has never let me help her in the bathroom. She dresses herself and gets mad if I try to help her wash her hair.
15. She hates to clean up. She is really good at getting away with it too...like she'll pick up two dolls and then start playing quietly while everyone else cleans.
16. She loves shrimp and can eat more shrimp than I can in one sitting.
17. She's compassionate. She cares deeply about the people she loves.
18. She loves make up and jewelry and to "jam out" in the car.
19. She knows what she likes. It doesn't matter that every other girl in the world is having a Hannah Montana or High School Musical Party...she wants an Annie one!! (more to come later)

I don't know what I would do without my sweet Mikayla. She adds the spice to my life...and a whole lot of sugar too.
Happy Birthday!!!!
What beautiful pictures! And what a fun little synopsis of who she is. She will LOVE to read that when she is older.
Happy Birthday sweet Mikayla!!!
Oh man, what a cute post. I'm still laughing out loud. She sure is a cute little shit.
My favorite quote that she's said to me is:
"I'm mad. Ya wanna know why I'm mad? Aunt D used all my red lipgloss."
I also love her monster face and the way she can talk to me on the phone for a couple of minutes and then ask who I am.
Happy Birthday Mikayla!
Happy Birthday Mikayla!!! Can you believe your baby is 5! Loved reading this I think she might have a little of her mom in her!
Good thing it's not alligators she is afraid of. You might have to tell her yes. What a beautiful girl.
Darling, darling, darling. The little princess, the mom, the wonderful photos and descriptions. You never fail to entertain, you blogster you. Happy Birthday Mikayla, I can't wait to hear about the Annie Party.
I love that post!! It seems like yesterday when I was holding her in YW and she was slobbering all over me. ha ha!!! She's so adorable. Sydney is afraid of sharks and is always asking me if they are in bodies of water...even really big mud puddles!! the pictures were awesome too!!
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