M: Amelia, it's really dark outside.
A: Ya, but you don't need to be afraid. It's dark outside, but there are stars and a moon.
M: But it's black outside. It's really black.
A: Yes it's black, but not totally black.
M: So it's not pitch black?
A: No, it's not pitch black. There's no such thing as pitch black. It's called peach black.

Peach black. That's too funny. What - are they from Georgia or something? Thanks for reading my semi-lame blog and even commenting on it. You're the only one.
LC Moxie
Peach black is a much less scary name. I think everyone should adopt that term.
LOL!!! I love these little conversations you post...they are so adorable!
That is so cute! I love those little moments. You are great to remember them!
In ten years I wonder if the conversations will be as sweet to listen to.
M: Who's that out side
A: It's my boy friend don't be afraid.
M: He's black. He's really black
A: Yeah, he's black but not totally black.
M: So he's not totally black?
A: No, I like to call him Peach Black.
Just kidding.
Dave's comment was great! Hopefully they will stay innocent huh!
They are such cute little sisters.
Hey, just wanted to tell you, I don't know how to take your comment on Tauna's blog about John being your favorite....I thought I was. JK! He is a great guy and always happy.
That's funny. Love when you leave comments about your girls they are too cute.
that's awesome your working out to my tunes! I have to tell ya that one of my motivations to getting my cleaning done or working out or whatever.... is to turn my music up loud and just do it! It makes the job a lot more enjoyable!
I think your johns fav too! I need to ask him that question- that would be interesting to know!!!
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