So, I have to interrupt my happy Disney posts and vent a little: They say bad things come in threes, but I'm looking at a few more than that, so was that in multiples of threes? Or, will it stop now?
The day before we left for Disney, the garbage disposal broke. Our friend came over to fix it, but unfortunately, it can't be fixed, so it needs to be replaced...a couple of weeks before we move.
The night I got home from Disney, I had to hurry and get all the laundry done because I had to drive to Charlotte the next day for our walk through and also pack the kids to stay at my friends'. the middle of a load, the dryer BROKE. I mean, could it not just hold on for one more week until the movers come and then I could still do laundry and just get a new one when we are there? I had to run over to my friends' house until midnight getting that %#$%^ laundry dry.
You can't see the damage from this angle, but I couldn't go outside because of my eye issue....
Then I get a phone call from my friend this morning asking me if I saw my tree. Well, I'm having a hard time seeing anything right now (more on that later) but I had noticed some leaves on the grass this morning when I was taking out the mail. It turns out that it was hit by lightning...the tree that is just a few yards from the front door.
And the third incident to round out this "bad things come in threes but apparently multiples of threes" is:
We had a major catastrophe with closing and not all the paperwork got in on time and it was pretty much a disaster. We are supposed to close tomorrow, and now it turns out that we will, but it was a MESS yesterday...and to top it off, I was trying to get home from Charlotte so I couldn't even access the documents that they wanted faxed. Thank goodness for a friend and her fax machine...

I have no idea why I'm smiling...seriously my eye hurts so bad that I've been crying a lot. You can't even tell how bad it is from the photo, but it's the color of the curtains in the background. Oh, and these are the $270 glasses that got me home.
Okay, so that should be the end, right? But now there is the horrible fact that there is a possibility I might lose my eye. Yep, that's right, my EYE. I knew it was bad, just not this bad. It's too long of a story for this, but it just became noticeable on Tuesday. I was at the doctor today because of the pain. They wouldn't let me leave the office with contacts in, but I am legally blind in one eye and had LEFT MY GLASSES ON THE BEDSIDE TABLE AT DISNEYWORLD. Seriously, are you kidding me? So, I had to go to a place at the hospital where she made me glasses (at the small cost of $270) so I could get home. They aren't even the right prescription, but are as strong as they could get in an hour. So, I have to see a corneal specialist in the morning and then drive up to Charlotte to close by 4:00. Are you kidding me?
And there was so much more than that...the eye doctor was yelling at me, really, yelling. He was yelling, "IF YOU PUT YOUR CONTACT IN YOUR EYE, EVEN FOR FIVE MINUTES TO GET HOME, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR EYE. YOU HAVE SERIOUS DAMAGE"...and on and on. I'm just sitting there calmly replying, "Doctor, I understand that and you don't have to scare me anymore....I am scared, but I am legally blind and have no glasses and to top it off, do you see the two sweet little darlings that have been ramsacking your office during all this time? Well, they are precious cargo, and I would like them to get home safely." So, that's when he wrote up a prescription for emergency glasses.
So, let's home this bad wave in the last few days is over. I'll leave on a positive note...

At least we had fun at Disney! This is the picture of when we just happened to run into Stitch at Animal Kingdom. This is the only character that we saw outside of character dining...and it couldln't have been a better one. Notice who Mikayla is holding in the photo and has carried around every day since our first day there!