After I learned of her plans, I told her she could only invite a couple of girls. She invited her two best friends, Bailey and Kaitlyn and her babysitter (who is like another daughter to me), Hillary and she also included Mikayla in the list, so I didn't tell her that she could have invited a couple more! Hillary did their nails and I did their hair.
After getting beautiful, we went to Ninja (like Benihana) for dinner. The chef was so fun and so sweet to Amelia. The girls ate so much I thought they were going to explode!

I have no idea why this picture is so small, but oh well.

We came home and our best neighbor friends came over to open gifts and have cake and ice cream. Amelia made out her birthday list months ago and was so excited with all of her gifts.
She told me later that she was really shy when everyone sang "Happy Birthday." I forget how awkward that can be, but she was so cute!
We played games like "Pin the Purse on Hannah Montana" and of course had a sing and dance party!
Their dolls had a sleepover too.
I love Amelia so much. She is such a good girl. She is a wonderful big sister and a friend to everyone. Her teachers tell me that she has an old soul...and she does. She is kind, thoughtful and such a good helper. We have some trouble when she tries to organize things. She will take everything off the shelves at her friends' houses, and I'm not sure her help is always appreciated! ;) She also packs things around like you would not believe. She even carried her new pajamas from Dave's mom to run errands the next day. Nana bought her the backpack that she has wanted since Christmas, so it does make carrying things around even more fun!

At 1:00 AM I came upstairs and Hillary was sound asleep and the little girls were staring blankly at the credits of the movie, so I layed them down and they were sound asleep in about thirty seconds.

I love Amelia so much. She is such a good girl. She is a wonderful big sister and a friend to everyone. Her teachers tell me that she has an old soul...and she does. She is kind, thoughtful and such a good helper. We have some trouble when she tries to organize things. She will take everything off the shelves at her friends' houses, and I'm not sure her help is always appreciated! ;) She also packs things around like you would not believe. She even carried her new pajamas from Dave's mom to run errands the next day. Nana bought her the backpack that she has wanted since Christmas, so it does make carrying things around even more fun!
Anyway, we are off to Disney World on Thursday. The girls are at Girl Scout Camp for the next three days for eight hours. We just got an offer on the house (thank you for your prayers). We close on the 25th on our new house. I will post pictures eventually, but I'm excited and I know things will work out!
Chaun- Thanks for having us over for Amelia's party. Jack had a great time! He kept talking about it the next day.
That is great about the offer! I knew it would work out. Have fun at Disney.
You're incredible! With all you have going on you still managed to pull off a totally memorable birthday party!!! Your children are blessed to have you as a mom.
And I am SO happy to hear about the offer. I'll keep praying that everything goes smoothly. I'm going to miss you though.
How fun! You are a real party mom! Happy late birthday Amelia! I am so glad things are looking up in the house selling adventure.
Congrats on the offer on your house!! What a blessing!! Amelia is so gorgeous!!!! Man, you're going to have your hands full when she's old enough to date!!
Fun party and Disney world. Party On!!!
Your girls are growing up so fast!! It's hard to believe they're getting so old...
I'm happy to hear you've finally gotten an offer on your house. That's GREAT news! I hope everything goes well and works out for the best!
Chaun your girls are getting so big and Amelia is absolutely beautiful. I still remember you being pregnant with her...that makes me feel old. Ha ha. Well I'm getting married in about 3 weeks and still haven't found an address for you. :(
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