The sun anywhere, anytime. Lately I find myself wandering upstairs at 1:45, 20 minutes before the kids get home) and sitting on the edge of the bed where the sun comes in at the perfect angle. I seriously always pictured really old ladies sitting in the sun like I do almost every day, but I'm not old, I just love the sun. It makes me happy and relaxed.

What's better than Dots you might ask? Dots and popcorn. Together. (Thanks Glen for sharing this gem.)

When this truck is in my garage.

T-shirts without tags. I really, really dislike tags on anything. They especially drive me crazy rubbing against my skin at the base of my neck or on the side of my ribcage. I think one of the coolest inventions ever is t-shirts with the "tag" printed on the inside.

Watching my kids run wild...I mean, not completely wild, but when they all make a plan on the bus to meet up after homework and then go to their "fort." The fort is actually the empty lot behind my house. They were playing "hobos and Indians" yesterday. They come in the house with ruined clothes (ripped and stained), shivering and muddy, but so happy!

Campfires and camping with the family...everything about it, except for the packing and unloading, of course.
Oh, and just because today is the THE DAY....the Utes make me happy, really happy.
You need to look at our blog, and see what some neighbors did to Joe. He so had it coming! I hope the Utes win!! (Joe knows they will) Cute post!!
Jenn, I can't comment on your blog anymore (???), but that is HILARIOUS!!!! Also, Lauren looks so cute in the Utah shirt for Spirit Day...my girls are wearing theirs right now too!
I'm totally nervous for the game tonight. Of course I'll be cheering for BYU, but if by chance Utah wins I'll think of you and remember that at least YOU are happy. :)
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