I would say I'm a gal who can adjust to things...I like to meet new people, as long as I don't lose touch with others. I throw myself into volunteering at the kids' school, our neighborhood and whatever, but deep down I wonder what would have happened if we would have just stayed in our nice little neighborhood in WX, UT.
I heard myself saying (yelling) today to my girls and Dave at the store: "HEY! Y'ALL BRING THAT BUGGY OVER HERE 'CUZ I'M FIXIN' TO DROP THIS STUFF." Seriously. I guess I have adjusted. I remember five years ago when we had moved to GA, and I didn't even know what a "buggy" was if they weren't talking about an 1880's horse-drawn contraption.
There is a huge difference here though, as opposed to GA. Here in Charlotte (I realize that is NC, but we live right across the border), no one I have met is from here...or even close. Pretty much everyone is from the Northeast. I have nothing against my northern friends, but I think compared to the West, they might be the exact opposites. In our old neighborhood in Atlanta, everyone was from the South...well, not everyone, but most everyone, and there is just something about the way Southern people are that fell more in line with the way they are in the West.
This is all just observation....the two gals that I love the most here are from Maryland and PA, but I just find it fascinating that I moved 3 1/2 hours away and it's a different world. I didn't realize how much I would miss the Southern charm and never thought I would EVER miss the Southern drawl (I think that's why I hang on to it, but that's one for Freud)...but I do. I might be in SC, but it's not the South that I saw in GA, and I miss it. This is as huge of an adustment as UT was to GA, and an example of that is when I yelled about the "buggy" today, I looked at people around me and realized...we're not in the South anymore.
I've been able to catch up with (love FB) so many old friends from all different places in my life, and it still amazes me how far away I am from it all. I was ready to finish the basement in WX, UT and stay there forever!!! So, I am a world away, in so many different ways, and if I could just get a wave from neighbors as they drive by, I'll call it good. I do have dear friends here...even a friend who has taken my kids for the night...the WHOLE night, but if the other neighbors could just shoot a hand up and wave as they drive by, I might feel a little more at home...just like I always did in Utah.
That's it...just more ramblings from me!!!
I do miss you! You were such a sweet neighbor, and I am sure when they get to know you, they know they will never want to live without you! You are great!!!
I thought for sure that SC would be even more southern than GA. I don't ever want to leave here. So, if you can ever figure out a way to come back we'll be here waiting!! :)
Um, is a buggy the shopping cart? Ya'll need to explain it...
I would be one of the neightbors who don't wave to you...
And I wouldn't make eye contact if we ran into each other at the grocery store.
Just so you know, WX is not the same. Does that make you feel better? We still live here, and nobody else does. No neighbors wave at me. So I guess sometimes we feel the grass is greener, but it never is. I do miss seeing you around though.
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