Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yesterday's Adventure

I ran out of gas yesterday on the side of a highway about 50 feet from a gas station.  It was quite the adventure to cross the highway with the girls and figure it out.  I guess when the gas gauge stops counting miles left and just says "low fuel" you really do need to fill up.  It was quite an adventure.

On another note....yesterday a guy came to look at why the master shower is leaking a little.  So, after he looked, he came downstairs and said, "Ma-am, that wah-ter is a-spillin' over the lip of the base and I reckon I done figure out the prob-lem, but I need some tow-els.  Do ya-all think ya-all have some tow-els?"  I was like, "Oh, sure!  Follow me."  So we went into the laundry room and I handed him some rolled up towels that we keep in there for swim team.  He was kind of confused and then said, "Ma-am, tow-els, not tow-els."  And I was like, "Towels???"  And he said, "Ya know?  Tow-els?  Like maybe there are matching ones in the attic with the paint that the builders left?"  Me: "OH, TILES!!!!!"  Him: "Yes!  Tow-els!!!!"

I've lived in the South for almost ten years, and I still get confused sometimes.

1 comment:

D said...