Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 22, 2006
A Little Fun!
Now, I am calling this "Just for Fun" for this reason: My entire research paper to get my degree was titled: "The Invalidity of IQ Tests." My argument was that IQ tests are biased, and therefore invalid. But I would like to think that I am a Regional Genius. BTW, what is that?????????? Thanks Candice and Audrey!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Little Monsters
They want me...I think!
It will be a lot of shuffling around with the kids, but next year I can teach while the girls are in school and cover their tuition. When I left (after three hours) he informed me that he had interviewed two others and had one more to interview. They are all actors and have been in many productions. I am just a drama TEACHER. I'm not an actress. I was honest about that though and I also told him I was worried about my kids Tuesday and Thursday afternoons while I teach because neither one is in school at that time. I left the interview with an offer to teach ENGLISH next year (6th English, 7th English and 10th grade American Lit.) for just a couple of hours in the mornings. Amelia gets reduced tution and Mikayla can stay at Christ the King for Pre-K. It sounds good. It is a good school and I think it will work out. I will find out about Drama next Thursday, but I think I would rather just do the English next year and leave Drama to the more-qualified.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
December Happenings (so far)
This is our fabulous entry into the annual Stout Family Gingerbread House contest. Check out D's blog for her entries. Personally, I think we won the colorful house award.
Okay, and last, Chel and Michael came to visit with Chayla. We got the girls dressed in last year's dresses that we never got their pictures in and decided to do our own. It was so fun and cute. It was nice to have family here. Chell, it's crazy to think that Jaxon is the same age as Chayla. I wish we could have celebrated his birthday with him.
Okay, that's all the December happenings for now. Hope you enjoyed!
Friday, December 01, 2006

Anyway, her mom emailed me the following when I asked her about her sister that had recently passed away:
My sister? Well at 39, two days after she ran a Marathon, she was diagnosed with Liver cancer. She lived a painful 10 weeks, leaving Belle-4 and Oskar-1. She was my best friend and hero, it's been the most unbearable thing you can imagine.
She was one of those people that didn't smoke or do drugs, and barely drank, and still had more fun than anyone else at the party. She cheered from 3 until 25. She was soooo healthy, so we thought. Shawn called her earth mother. She was tiny and HYPER. She would wear you out. But you always wanted more. I miss her so much that it actually makes me stop breathing. My Dad is so mad at God, even though, we've tried to explain it's not his fault.
I have AMAZING friends that rallied around me and helped men get through it. Which of course, I will be the rest of my life. I guess it's why I really don't let things get to me that much, in the big scheme of life, nothing is that big of a deal when you get to keep raising your children.
Nothing is that big of a deal when you get to keep raising your children...
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Christmas Questions

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Celebrity Look Alike
Name Game
Amelia Lee
After months of debating, we couldn't agree on a name. I liked Lauren, Morgan, Kristen or Jessica...Dave didn't. Finally one day I said, "How about Amelia?" That dated all the way back to high school. I had a friend who had seven siblings and the all ended in "a." Leah, Adria, Melissa, and Amelia (I don't remember the other names), but I always thought Amelia was so unusual and old fashioned, but so cute! Dave loved it, and from that minute on, that was her name. (Dave still thinks he first suggested it, but he didn't).
Lee is after Dave --David Lee, who is named after his Grandpa, Leland. It is also a family name on my mom's side, going clear back to John D. Lee, my fifth great grandpa ( of Mountain Meadow Massacre fame).
Mikayla Mae
I really wanted a boy the second (and last) time around. When I found out she was a girl, we talked about a lot of names. We talked about Mikayla but decided on Reagan. I had bought block letters for her nursery and everything! When she was born, I had two strong feelings: 1. My family is complete and 2. Her name is not Reagan. We just went back to Mikayla, which was one of about four we liked. It fit her and we loved it. The only decision was how to spell it. I just tried to be very phonetic so she didn't have to deal with a teacher trying to pronounce it, like I did! Mae is after the world's best grandma...mine! Her name is Wenda Mae and I love her and respect her so much!
Okay, so that's my name game. Now I am tagging Jayme, Chellie, Chelie, Candice, Nanette and whoever else reads this! Nan, yours will be especially fun with your six kids, so just put yours in my comments if you don't have a blog!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Out of the Mouths of My Babes
“But I HAVE to have gauchos so I can be a teenager!”
“HUBBA HUBBA” (Said when anyone is kissing or hugging)
“Mom, you are the best mom. You are better than all the other Moms. I mean, you play with me and take me to the pool and I get to go to work with you.”
“My name is Nora!” Her current name.
I had told Amelia about each of the kids in my preschool class. The next morning I was doing her hair and she said, “Mom, you know that boy that’s really polite and always says, ‘Yes, Ma’am’?” I couldn’t remember which boy that was, so I asked, “Now who are you talking about?” Amelia answered, “You know, the ribbon boy?” I was still very confused, until I thought about it a minute longer…. “Amelia, do you mean Beau?” “YES!” She replied.
“Mom, God made everything good, so I think he made string cheese.”
“Ms. Angie was driving fast and got a GOLDEN ticket from the police.” (Said after we had watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, where a golden ticket is GOOD!)
“Mom, I have veins in my face.” Me: “Yes, Amelia, you have veins all over your body inside. It’s what blood travels in and carries it throughout your body from your heart.” Amelia: “Mom, I don’t want you to talk about all that. I’m talking about VEINS hanging down in my eyes.” Me: “Amelia, so you mean BANGS?????” Amelia: “Ya, that’s what I said, veins in my eyes.”
Amelia to Nana on the phone: “I liked the horses you sent. I picked the vanilla one and Mikayla picked the vanilla and chocolate one.” (brown and white)
(After telling her that we would wait for her to get home from school to take down the Halloween decorations): “Mom, is it time now to up the CHICKEN (turkey) decorations?”
“Mom, I’m glad God made hats.”
Mikayla: “My name is Hillary Duff!” Her current name.
“But Barbie needs a boyfriend!!!!!” All Mikayla wanted from a little shopping spree at Toys-R-Us for Amelia to spend a birthday gift card was a Ken doll.
“Where’s my boy doll?” Now this is said constantly as Ken has become her favorite toy!
“Mom, I love you so much I’m not going to sell you in fourteen days.”
“Mom, I know what the frog says: Focket, Focket.” I guess it was a mix between Frog and Ribbit, but it was funny!
After buying a $4.00 doll at the consignment store for Mikayla: “Mom, I love her so much, I want to name her Ham.”
(While I was on the phone with Dad) “Tell Granddad I can do a cartwheel!” Then I saw Amelia trying to think of something she can do. Finally Amelia said, “Tell Granddad I can put my tongue in a bowl!”
Mikayla (while riding on Uncle Jerry’s shoulders at Jeff’s Raiders Football game screaming at the top of her lungs): “Go Way-Dohs, Go!!!!!!”
“You’re not the boss; God’s the boss!”
“Mom, I want to go to Lawn Mar for Ham decorations!” Translation (after a lot of thought and questions): “Mom, I want to go to Wal-Mart for turkey decorations!” and no, she didn’t hear Amelia’s chicken conversation! They are so confused about turkey!
“Mom, I want you to have another baby and I want it to be a girl baby and I want you to name her Aunt D!”
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Happy Halloween!

Here are the girls at the preschool parade and fall festival. I'm not sure why the teachers put Mikayla's coat on over her Cinderella dress, but she's still cute! :)

Here's my sweet preschool class, complete with me and Little Red Riding Hood and Steph as the Big Bad Wolf. The kids weren't scared. Also, you will see Dave and me dressed as Napoleon and "Napoleon's Girlfriend." Yes, we won the costume contest....really.

Here the girls are at their Halloween gymnastics class and then picking pumpkins out at a local pumpkin patch and corn maze.

Saturday, October 14, 2006
I gave in....

The are quite the little salespeople. I am grateful for good neighbors who paid at least $1 for a cup of warm lemonade with dirty little fingerprints all over the outside (and probably inside too) because little Amelia didn't know how to make change. When all was said and done, they made $13.25....not so bad for a fun-filled afternoon!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Random Thoughts
On another note, I received this FABULOUS package in the mail the other day....filled with the most amazing scrapbook supplies you have ever seen! Jayme, you are so awesome. My other friends, if you haven't checked her blog, you need to (Best High School Bud). She is so talented...and so generous. Thanks so much Jayme.
On another note, I love Halloween. I love the costumes, decorations, the crafts, trick-or-treating, goodies, and orange and black.

On another note, apparently Mikayla won a contest at Kiddie Kandids that I didn't enter her in. The photographer called and left a message a few months ago, but I kind of spaced it and it was hard to understand what she was talking about. I just got a call from a neighbor that said she was in the studio and a huge water-color portrait was hanging in the studio of Mikayla that they had done copying the portrait...pretty fun...but I won't say anything else about that...kind of a weird situation because Amelia's pictures were taken that same day too.
On another note, I just commented on Jessi's blog and thought I would share here too: A hurricane comes through my house EVERY day. Today it was stamps and glue...everywhere. Then an impromptu "water stand" complete with every camping chair (and bicycle and stroller) we have pulled out on the sidewalk with the girls selling WATER to people passing by. Not only that, they got every cup out of the cupboard and filled them with water, spilling it everywhere because we didn't have paper cups. The nice people that stopped by had to guzzle water and leave the cups now I have a hurricane inside and outside.
On another note, my friend Candice just had her sweet baby and Candice is amazing and has amazing stories...I can't wait for the details on this one. Meanwhile, check out her blog.
On another note, check my grandparents' store's website. They have the cutest stuff!
On another note, I love warm weather. I think I start getting depressed in the fall. I love the colors and the change, but I really just like it to be hot.
Alright, those were my deep thoughts of the week....I'm signing off until I have something to say!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I read an article in Parents magazine about a stay-at-home dad who gave up a 60 hour a week TV cameraman job. He said in the end, staying home was harder and more time-consuming, but much more rewarding. I guess that's where I am.
I picked up these little jobs out of obligation and because the extra money is nice...(Utah, we'll be home to visit soon), but is it worth it? Preschool is too much fun. The kids are so adorable and it's really fun to plan things, but it is time-consuming. I think if I can stick it out though, next year I will have it all planned and it will be so easy! Tennis is great money and it's physically draining, but long as my kids are okay running around for THREE HOURS after a morning at preschool. Tutoring is easy, but again time-consuming...and it takes time away from my kids...I love the girl I tutor and it has now been three years, so I felt like I needed to continue. Anyway, listen to me justify it all. Life has got to be more simple. I haven't sat down and had a real converation with Dave since Mexico. He is still sick and needs more of me than I can give right now. I have friends that I haven't hung out with in way too long. I am giving in so many directions that no one is getting all of me and nothing is getting all of my attention. Any suggestions before I lose my mind?
Thursday, September 28, 2006

There's not enough time to blog about our fabulous Cabo trip, but here are the highlights:
- Little D's beautiful wedding on the beach
- Seeing my "little" brother
- Meeting and spending time with D's new husband Eric
- Parasailing (on a 400 foot rope) over the Pacific and the Sea of Cortez
- Snorkeling at Lover's Beach
- Cabo Wabo (I love Sammy)
- Relaxing and getting a tan
- Getting smashed by the waves, losing my sunglasses and developing a new anxiety :)
- Going out for great dinners and hanging out with everyone
- Dancing
If I could have a second wedding, I would do the exact same thing. It was soooooooo fun! It's good to be home and the kids were so happy, but did great with us gone!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Sunday Scribblings: Google Magic
First, a little background: As I was driving in the realtor's car in Cumming, Georgia, having just one weekend to find a home on my first trip to this state, I made a comment to the realtor: "I'm really excited to experience the world. I have lived in Utah my entire life. Nearly every person I've met and known has not only been Mormon, but has also been white. I can't wait for my kids to grow up with some diversity...ya know, the 'real world'."
He paused for a moment and replied, "Um, normally I wouldn't say this, but you have just asked me to drive to a house (that I had found over the internet knowing NOTHING about the area) that is in Forsyth County. You'll definitely find diversity in religion, but not in race. Oprah even did some kind of show from there on racism."
I wasn't sure what he meant....after all, this is Atlanta, Georgia...or a suburb at least...there has to be more people of color than in Utah. I found the house of my dreams, in the neighborhood of my dreams, and we moved our little family across the Forsyth County, Georgia.
So, after three years here I've learned that the realtor was right. I experienced more race diversity teaching at Farmington Junior High (which was 99% Mormon and 97% white among 1,200 kids) than I have here. So, what was that "Oprah Show?" What went on in this county? This is what I learned:
A reputation for racial intolerance plagued Forsyth County during the twentieth century. In 1912 the rape of a young white woman by three African American males sparked a campaign among the white population to rid Forsyth County of all African Americans. For almost a month, gangs of night riders harassed and intimidated the black population into moving out of the county.
While it is unknown how many African Americans moved as a direct result of the purge, by 1930 only 17 blacks resided in Forsyth County compared with almost 1,100 in 1910. In 1987 (1987...I didn't even realize how RECENT it all was) racial tensions again erupted in Forsyth County. In January a small march in Cumming to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday met with resistance from local members of the KKK, who threw stones and glass bottles at the demonstrators. The event received national attention, and on January 24, 20,000 marchers from around the country converged on Forsyth County. Led by numerous civil rights leaders, the marchers encountered 1,000 to 2,000 counterdemonstrators, but the presence of large numbers of police and National Guard troops most likely kept the event from turning violent. The event was one of the largest civil rights demonstrations since the 1960s and generated so much national attention that talk-show host Oprah Winfrey taped a show the following month in Cumming about the events.
In 1987, Oprah packed up the show and headed south to Forsyth County, Georgia, a place where not one black person had lived in 75 years. The Forsyth County Defense League was a white supremacist group established in 1987 (1987...really?????) in Cumming, Georgia, to counter efforts by Atlanta City Councilperson Hosea Williams, to integrate all-white Forsyth County. The group and its successor Nationalist Movement have won some prominent court battles on behalf of members' rights to support discrimination against non-whites, to march and to meet in public buildings. During the show, an explosion of racism ensued with the "n" word used over and over again to Winfrey.
Forsyth County, I learned is the second-fastest growing county in the nation in the 1990s. Forsyth in the 2000 census is still 92 percent white and its growth is mostly explained by the droves of white people moving in. For every single black person and every 10 Hispanics new to Forsyth in the 1990s, there were 100 new white residents.
The completion of Georgia Highway 400 (which I live right off, almost into Dawson County) in the 1980s turned Forsyth County into a suburb of Atlanta, further encouraging population growth. According to the 2000 U.S. census, the county's population was 98,407 (95 percent white, 0.7 percent black, and 5.6 percent Hispanic), an increase of 123.2 percent from the 1990 census. The county remains one of the most racially homogenous in the state.
So, this answered a lot of questions that I've had. I really wanted to know the history of this city and county. It's crazy to be in a place that you didn't grow up learning about. When I'm in Salt Lake going down Bangerter Highway, I can tell you exactly who that road is named after, but I moved to a strange place, and I knew nothing about it. I love it here, but I do hate that it has an ugly past (and present). I have even blogged about my racist neighbors before. My husband works much closer to Atlanta and has the opportunity to meet fabulous people of every color. Last year I had his co-worker's daughter come and spend her Spring Break with me and the girls. I wondered why my neighbors weren't so nice. I wondered why we got strange looks at the neighborhood family go-cart place...and guess what? I love it that I ruffled some feathers! I will teach my children tolerance. Good people are good and bad people are bad, and skin color means NOTHING....even in Forsyth County, Georgia.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Deep Thoughts

I quickly turned down the radio and mumbled, "um, ya." (I was trying to decide if I should go into how God gives men the BRAINS to make some things, but I settled with the eloquent, "ya.") She then said, "Mom, then God definitely made string cheese."
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Mikayla's First Day

Mikayla chose her 4th of July dress to wear on the first day of school. She was "so fashion" just like her sister.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Amelia's First Day

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Sunday Scribblings: "The Monster"

I taught 8th grade English for five years. Are there any more difficult years than that of adolescence? A young women has so many hormones and insecurities WITHOUT looking in a magazine and seeing what is impossible to achieve. I know there are girls out there that have a size 0 or 2 body without trying, but why is that the goal? What is wrong with a perfect size 8, or 10 or 12 for that matter? Why is a size 2 the goal? It is causing turmoil in this crazy world of ours. I look at my sweet daughters and just get so nervous about what is in their future.
As my (extremely underweight) daughter stepped on the scale at the doctor's office today, the nurse said, "Oh my Goodness, I had the scale at 50lbs., but you haven't even hit 40 yet...are you really five?" and after my confused daughter stuttered that she was indeed five, the nurse finished, "Oh, well Lucky You! You barely weigh a thing." I saw the wind deflate from her sail as she slumped back to her little check-up room.
You see, I've been trying this reverse-psychology thing to combat this crazy media of ours. I constantly tell my girls, "OH YOU ARE SOOOOOOO BIG! OH, YOU'RE FEET HAVE GROWN ANOTHER WHOLE SIZE, LET'S CELEBRATE! AMELIA YOU ARE AT LEAST FOUR INCHES TALLER THAN THE NEXT KID IN YOUR CLASS....YOU ARE THE QUEEN! EAT YOUR VEGETABLES SO YOU CAN GROW BIG AND STRONG AND BE HEALTY!" When people comment to me, "She's so tall!" I turn to Amelia and whisper, "You are so lucky to be so tall. Don't feel bad for the little kids in your class."
Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that there is only so much I can girls who watch almost no TV can still tell me that blonde hair is best and will tell me that the big girl on TV is "not fashion." I try my little reverse-psychology thing, "But look at her hair, isn't it beautiful? Look at her smile, doesn't she look happy?" But, they know. It's a monster....and it is going to creep up on my little girls, and I'm scared.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
My Job
Okay, I just need to take a minute to tell my friends about how excited I am about my new job. I really didn't want to go back to work until Mikayla was in Pre-K five days a week and Amelia was in Kindergarten. I thought I had it all worked out, but the director from Amelia's preschool called and asked if I would take the 3 year old, 3 days a week class. I decided to do so, because I have to pay for both girls preschool this year and it would also be fun to be there with them.

We COULD NOT get the alphabet up above the cabinet, until we remembered we had AMELIA to climb up and help!
I've already written about how much I love this school, but I can't believe how nice the teachers are there. Everyone is so excited to be there. I woke up so excited to go to work...this is just the teacher week without kids. The best part is my friend Steph is my assistant teacher, so I get to work with someone that I love. She's so creative and very patient with kids. The other lady who teaches on Tuesdays and Thursdays is new this year too, but has taught preschool for many years.
They let me bring my kids, so they just run around and play and paint...and destroy what we put together. Amelia is our preschool consultant. She was there last year so she knows it all. Mikayla is the same age as the kids I'm teaching (but she'll be in the other class), so we can use her to measure how high to put things and whether or not a three-year-old can REALLY cut out a circle (they can't). It's fun to be out using my brain (surprisingly coming up with a center/play based curriculum based on monthly themes, shapes and colors was a little difficult). Most of all, it's fun to be at work WITH my kids. I'm so excited to meet my 12 little three year olds and embark on this adventure together!

This is the bulletin board where we are going to put the kids pictures in the frames and let them decorate them with circle buttons for the first day of school. I have 12 kids and the Tuesday/Thursday class has 12 kids.
This is the monthly big center we have set up...Home and Family. The kitchen and tool area is so cool! The bottom picture is where the kids are going to decorate frames for their family pictures. The other board is our circle time board with the date, star students and weather.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Sunday Scribblings: The Inner Life of Pets
This really nice, beautiful lady came and rescued us. She put us in the fridge for 10 minutes, which was pretty shocking and actually pretty rude. However, she carefully dumped us in to this sand habitat. Now I have these two little girls that come and watch every move we make...every tunnel we dig, every grain of sand we carry. They bring all their grubby-fingered friends to come and see us. They feed us and give us water. They really love us. We are pretty happy, although our life expectancy was drastically decreased, but with the good care we are getting, we think we will live longer than out in the wild, even in this hot and humid environment. Well, we better sign off. We have tunnels to dig and work to be done.