Is there a better toy in the world than American Girl Dolls?
Nana bought the girls their dolls for Christmas and we have not had ONE day since then that they haven't played with them, carried them around and changed their clothes. They love them so much!

Today Amelia put Nicky in her backpack for Show and Tell. When she got home, I was outside waiting for the neighbor to bring her home. She had Nicky in her arms and told me that Nicky was very scared in her dark backpack, and she had to get her out and just hold her.

Mikayla puts her doll in outfits and then matches her own to them. I am writing this post, but I won't even post it until I get a picture of what "Emily" does at ballet. Seriously, she gets her all dressed and then stands her up at the window to watch. It is so dang cute.

Anyway, they use their imagination. They are learning to coordinate clothes (ya, it's a big deal in our house and needs a lot of work). They are learning to be compassionate. They are learning to share (not one fight over the shared clothing). They are learning the value of a dollar (After finding out that one pair of shoes cost $10 at the AG Doll Store, Amelia said, "You mean, that's more than two visits from the Tooth Fairy?????" and then decided she'd wait on them. They are learning to keep things organized (they keep everything in their AG backpacks and don't want them mixed in with their other toys. They learned that they might have the coolest Nana in the world for buying the dolls for them.

And what have I learned? Well, I've learned that if you spritz their hair with water and rub it with a dryer sheet, their hair looks BRAND NEW. I've learned that boots are harder to put on than shoes, so if we're in a hurry, tell the girls that a certain pair of shoes is "more fashion" than the boots. I've learned that 4 and 6 year old girls have no clue if clothes are authentic AG clothes, or rip offs from a mom that sews them and sells them on Ebay. I've learned that Coconut (Mik's dog) is every bit as important to her as her doll is. I've learned that dressing the dolls in new outfits and putting them in various places around the house while the girls are at school makes them think that their dolls were home playing with me while they were gone. I've learned that you can buy the cheap dolls after Christmas ($5.75, $22.00 before Christmas) at Kroger and take all the clothes off them and the extra clothes and accessories they come with and give the dolls to Goodwill and I spent less than I would have on extra clothes, even on Ebay.
And thank you Mom for the best toys in the whole world!
Okay, I really want to get my girls American Girl Dolls now. Maybe I'll start saving up and get them each one for their birthdays this year.
So cute... I remember as little girls you and I having similar obsessions with certain dolls. Remember Mandy & Jenny-- those dolls were awesome! We were super lucky to have a mom that sewed not only our dolls a million outfits, but would sew us outfits to match!
I'm sure Nana knew what she was doing when she sent these to the girls-- Nana's always know best! And mom is the best!
How thoughtful and FUN of you to change the dolls and put them in other places while the girls are gone! SO CUTE!
Just Wait Girl. Danielle has 3 and Kaitlyn has 2. Danielle's christmas wish list was $1500.00 worth of AG stuff (she only got Nicki - not all the stuff). The accessories are so expensive and the clothes -come on. I spend more on the doll clothes than my kids' clothes. I got the Target knock off stuff and it is awesome. The quality is not the same but it works. Also watch out for the girl of the year. You have to buy the girl and all her stuff b/c a week before Christmas it is all gone. I thought Danielle could buy an outfit for Nicki after Christmas with her christmas money, but no such luck - everything was sold out. We love them though. Danielle has had Molly for 3 years and she plays with her everyday. We are going to the AG store in LA for Danielle's b-day next month. The dolls and girls get to have lunch and then the dolls go to the salon to get a new do. We are so excited.
I feel like I'm always playing catch-up on everyone's posts!! I need to get with the program!
For starters, my kids (and myself included) LOVE the Junnie B. Jones books. Clay got a whole stocking full of them for Christmas because he loves them so much.
Second, what the crap is wrong with people in Georgia? That whole carpool thing would drive me INSANE!! I don't do well with people 'expecting' me to do things for them, if there is no gratitude - I'd quit!! Good for you for being so patient...
Lastly, I love those dolls. Ali doesn't have one, but she absolutely loves the dolls she has. In fact, she has three of the very same doll, but only one is her favorite. They look exactly the same to me, but she can tell them all's crazy. I'll have to keep those dolls in mind..her birthday is next month!
oh, man. That is so cute! and very informative and helpful AG tips that I will start using imediately.
Thanks for the tips! Emily, age 12, asked for a doll once again. She hasn't asked for one since she was 7. I got them the cheap target ones to see if they would care for them and they didn't. But I figured this would be the last year she would ask so she got one just like Amelia (I think).
Your mom is great! I remember the dolls she made for us. I still have my little blond doll in a blue dress that she made.
Very nice pics
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