By 7:00, it was collecting on the ground. We got all bundled up and played outside until almost 11 P.M. We built a snowman and made snow angels, had snowball fights, and just ran around! All the kids were out. Parents were running in and waking up their kids so they didn't miss it! I think how different this is from my childhood in Utah, and it kind of makes me sad. The kids were so happy to see snow. Some of them had never even seen it before. The neighbor boys built an 8 ft. snowman using all the snow in my backyard and most of hole 15! It was so fun to watch them. Our job was to do the head, but Amelia decided she wanted it for her own, so we made that the body of our own snowman.

Of course school was canceled the next day...2 inches of snow will do that in Georgia. So, Dave called me in sick. Yes, that wasn't a typo. He called and let them know that I was sick, and since the kids don't go to daycare, he had to take care of them. (It might have been a little protest too for all those moms at his work who get to take days off because their nanny is sick or their daycare is closed, or whatever, but he doesn't have that excuse because "his wife stays home.") Then, we bundled up and went sledding down the craziest hills we could find on the golf course. (First, we ruined poor Miki's backyard with a nice, sloping hill.) Then we went to hole 12, where it was straight downhill. Dave and Mikayla went over the cliff and got pretty banged up, but we were laughing the whole morning. (Dad, didn't I break your rib with my HEAD doing the same thing about twenty years ago?)

I'm so glad we got out there because by noon, every ounce of snow was gone. I just relived my childhood in one night and morning. It refreshed me enough to get me through the rest of this cold, snowless winter.
Aren't snow days the best?! It looks like you made the most of it! (And I love the part about Dave calling YOU in sick).
I'm so happy you got snow. I feel like we have been snowed in all winter. We enjoyed it like you did the first couple of times but then it is just so cold! It is snowing right now and has all night and there wasn't even suppose to be a storm til this weekend. Such is Utah! I have to make my kids make new snowmen so I can use my snowman kit.
You are a great mom!!!
Okay... so at first I was thinking...oh LAME.. Snow! Yuck! But then I started thinking, if it had snowed that much here (which it never has, but we got hail once) and after 4 years of no snow.. I would have been excited and done the same thing! I've been watching the weather all over and couldn't believe how cold it's been there!! Yikes!! We'll be in Utah next week-- we always make it a point to go every winter because I want the kids to love the snow and play in the snow with me! I remember loving to play in the snow with you just like that when we were little girls!
Thanks for the post-- you put a big smile on my face today!
Love you!
Yay! We finally got snow too, though I just looked out the window and it's gone. I love the humongous snowman! That's awesome.
That is one of the biggest snowmen I have ever seen. I bet he stays around for awhile.
Will this affect the Peaches. I hope not. We love Peaches. Just kidding - You are the coolest mom ever! We got so much snow in Germany after the first week, I had to beg the kids to go and play in it.
It was sooooo fun, huh? Travis grew up in Iowa, so he was soooo excited too. Driving around today, though, made me miss all the snow in Utah. Yes, I was one of those out-of-staters who got way too excited about the snow out there!!
Yes, I did crack a couple of ribs that day. I remember your mother having to dress me for a week because I could barely move. Do all you Roe kids remember that "death hill" in Sardine Canyon we used to go to for sledding? Can't remember the name?
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