What's his name? Dave, AKA: SUPER DAVE or SUPER D!
How long have you been together? married 11 1/2 years

How long did you date? 3 years
How old is he? 36
Who eats more? Me, absolutely
Who said I love you first? me, Valentine's Day, 1994; He was mad though because he wanted to first!
Who is taller? Dave
Who is smarter? We are both smart in completely opposite ways and in completely opposite things. I have a higher IQ though, so my answer is ME! ;)
Who does laundry? Me, always
Who does the dishes? Me, almost always
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dave
Who pays the bills? Me, always
Who mows the lawn? Me, but Dave edges
Who cooks dinner? Me, always (except spaghetti and weekend breakfasts)
Who drives when you are together? hmmmm, that's split equally. If we need to get there fast, then me for sure!
Who is more stubborn? Me, except for I forgive A LOT quicker than he does, so I guess he's more stubborn in that way.
Who kissed who first? Me, at my dorm-room doorstep
Who asked out who first? Dave, a night of country dancing and Domino's pizza
Who proposed? Dave, after a couple of years, on top of the DIXIE mountain
Who has more siblings? I have three, and he has four, but we both have two sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? Day to day stuff: Me, Long term stuff: Him
Okay, I tag: Little D, Megan, Michelle, Tauna, Kate, Jessi, Audri, and whoever else will play!
wow chaun... you're a little forward don't you think... saying I love you and kissing first... surprised you didn't ask the dude to marry you too! That was fun to read! Dave's a stud! And I love that picture of you and Dave.
P.S. I was mad at first because you didn't tag ME... and then I read Christy's blog and she tagged me... so I'm going to go with that is why you didn't tag me and if I'm wrong, don't tell me! :)
So fun to read! You are pretty forward, but heck when it's right you just go for it, why wait around for shy guys to make the moves.
oh you tagged me! It was fun to learn more about you! You two are so cute, I love the goofy pics of dave- awesome! That's my kind of date.... country dancing and pizza. love it!!
man, I think i'm going to have to plan that one in the near future. We haven't been dancing since Last Feb.
oh you tagged me! It was fun to learn more about you! You two are so cute, I love the goofy pics of dave- awesome! That's my kind of date.... country dancing and pizza. love it!!
man, I think i'm going to have to plan that one in the near future. We haven't been dancing since Last Feb.
I'm so bummed b/c I don't have a digital picture of me and Travis together..just us. They are all of the kids! I need to get one scanned of our wedding picture. Okay, you and I are truly soul sisters girl. Crazy for You? I thought that was just me and Travis who loved that song....too weird. Also....Travis kissed me first, but he reminded me that I REALLY kissed him first. His was just a little smooch, but the next time we went out I laid one on him! Ha. But, I was 24 and knew what I wanted! :)
My cell number is 770-380-7820...use it!
Chaun you have always been a take charge kind of girl. I loved hanging out with you when we were younger because you always told everyone exactly what you thought. You could be a little sassy (and yes I mean that in a good way) and a lot of fun!!!
I love learning more about everyone and their story! I was surprised at how similar all of our answers were...I could almost have left them and just changed the names!!!!
I loved the blog on the snow! It is so hard to remember everyone else isn't buried in snow and FREEZING their butts off (not literally, unfortunately)! It sounds like you guys certainly made the most of it though, that's awesome!
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