Random March Thoughts by Miandmiksmom:
This is a picture of the girls at Emma's birthday party. Emma and Mikayla have known each other since Mikayla was 3 months old...and now they are turning five! Also, check out the leotard on Mik...my old Super Stepper outfit, another sign that my girls are growing up! I couldn't believe it finally fits. It has been in the dress up box for three years!
I miss my family, especially my little brother on a mission. I'm so excited to see my parents next week...WAHOO!
We had such a fun time on our deluxe tour of the Cumming Police Department. Here's a hint: If you have a mom who is a Sargeant in the PD, then let her plan it all! (She's the mom in the background, and she's awesome!) The girls got to do so much...tour the jail, see the 911 room, try on the SWAT gear, get in the police cars and turn on the sirens, and so much more. It was a blast!
Time is just flying by. I had some time yesterday to clean out my kids' drawers and box up winter stuff (not sure why because it is literally snowing right now...in Georgia). Anyway, my kids (especially the oldest) kind of rotate the exact same outfits every couple of days, which means the clothes that are never worn are always at the bottom of the drawers. So, as I was cleaning out clothes, I realized how much they both have grown. I was sad. All of Amelia's clothes from last year fit Mikayla and Mikayla's are all too small...crazy. They are just getting so big and time is going by too fast!

I got a phone call from the school on Thursday from Amelia's teacher. I picked up the phone scared out of my mind, but it turns out that Amelia was determined that she was going home with a neighbor that day because it was the day that I was going to get Nana (AKA "Nana Montana") at the airport. I explained to the teacher that she was one week off, and Amelia was so sad; I mean, she was seriously devestated.

Amelia won the Silver Comet award at school Tuesday night. We had to keep it a surprise, so look at her face when they called her name: 

Can you believe it snowed this morning?!! What is up with our Georgia weather?
And it is so hard to see our girls getting older. McKenna will be 10 in August. Two digits!! It freaks me out.
Holy Cow! Does that mean you have lived out there for 5 years? That can't be right. We had a lot more cousin parties than just a years worth right? Please fill me in. The kids do grow up so fast. Going through clothes is the hard chore. Way to go!
Yep Nan, it will be five years in July...crazy, huh? I think we just had A LOT of fun in the year that we had.
And Jessi, the weather better change for my parents next week! I still love the shirt (as you can see) I just realized I was wearing it! :)
So much fun! I want to be your Daisy Co-Leader. That would be so much fun. It's been in the mid 70's here. We spent the day at the Park and the Temple in Redlands, CA and all got sunburned. I can't imagine snow. It snowed in Panguitch too, but that's nothing new. Don't send that weather this way- you can just keep it. When are you coming home next? We should plan a big cousin party.
thanks for the reader info. It really is nice, but I don't know how to comment from there or read my comments - can you do that? Have you read Angry Housewifes eating bon bons? I bought it to read for a book club but never had time to read it, just wondering if it is worth my time or if I should donate it to the thrift store. I am working on The Book Thief. I'll let you know what I think of it.
Christy, you can't comment or leave comments as far as I know, but it's still nice to see who has updated and if you want to comment then you have to go to the site.
I haven't read that book, but I'll put it on my list! I really want to know what you think of The Book Thief. I loved it!
Great post. Where is was the b-day party at...looks fun. I'm trying to plan Syd's for May.
cleaning out clothes is a big chore for me. good for you! you've motivated me thanks! I bet you miss Josh. He is such an awesome brother. He is such a great guy. Talking to your mother on Sat. at Suz's shower she said she was heading your way. You guys will have a blast! and Way to go Amelia on getting the Silver comet award. What is that exactly? that picture of you with the girl you did the shower for is darling. Your so Beautiful!! about Eat pray love.... I was just getting ready to borrow it from a friend. Maybe I shouldn't waste my time. Judi just sent me These is my words. I hear that's a good one. after I read it I'll try the sequel. What an adventurous month you've had!
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