It's time to report on those February goals. I didn't do so hot, but I really tried on some of them!
1. Fire Marshall Fight: I got a grandma of a girl at our school who is going strong on this, but we keep running into problems. Now our goal is to just get money for rugs or fire-retardant rugs for all the kindergarten rooms. It's a mess though.
2. Lose those #$^%^ five pounds that I put on in December. I keep fluxuating so much, I don't even know for sure. I think I still need to lose a few.
3. Update my emergency backpacks and plan three days of meals and put them on the storage shelf. Also, replace the water storage (a year overdue). The only thing I did was update the backpacks, but I couldn't believe the stuff I had in there...size 18 month clothes, for example.
4. Be a better wife. I still need to work on this one. We have the hardest schedule during the week. I go to the gym in the morning before everyone wakes up, and Dave gets home to eat dinner and then put kids to bed and then he goes to the gym, but by then, I'm tired from waking up so early, so we get no quality time together! We do make up for it on the weekends, but it's not enough....
5. Get rid of current credit card because we never use the companion ticket because they make it too hard to redeem and find a card that has good rewards. Good bye AMEX! We got another card for emergencies, but at least we aren't paying an annual fee and geting rewards that we won't use.
6. Trim those rose bushes that I didn't do in the fall, but find out how to do it first and if it's too late. Yes, it was too late, but I trimmed ALL of our front bushes and ALL OF THE NEIGHBORS with their 6th grade son!
7. Clean up the backyard...get rid of sand table, organize toy bench, new pad for the trampoline, clean playhouse and get new flags for the putting green. Oh, and buy a new grill for Dave...seriously, if you saw ours (the same one I wheeled down the street three years ago from neighbors who had it out in the trash) you would see why. Hey, also look at a new umbrella and seat cushions, but if they're to expensive then that doesn't count against my goal!!!! I got a new pad for the trampoline, but that's it!
8. Start violin lessons or at least find a teacher. I tried so hard on this, but it was impossible. I found one music store that had lessons, but only on a Saturday. I even had my neighbor whose in a symphonic band ask around for me.
9. Finish 2007 scrapbooks and start 2008's on line. I went on a retreat and got everything done except for the second half of December. I can't wait to do my books digitally and I did get started.
As for March, I'm simplifying:
1. Decide if I can really take on this PTA treasurer position and then feel good about whatever decision I make!
2. Transfer video camera to DVD.
3. Update water and food storage.
4. Finish 2007 scrapbooks.
5. Have a weekly date with Dave...even if we don't leave the house!
1. Fire Marshall Fight: I got a grandma of a girl at our school who is going strong on this, but we keep running into problems. Now our goal is to just get money for rugs or fire-retardant rugs for all the kindergarten rooms. It's a mess though.
2. Lose those #$^%^ five pounds that I put on in December. I keep fluxuating so much, I don't even know for sure. I think I still need to lose a few.
3. Update my emergency backpacks and plan three days of meals and put them on the storage shelf. Also, replace the water storage (a year overdue). The only thing I did was update the backpacks, but I couldn't believe the stuff I had in there...size 18 month clothes, for example.
4. Be a better wife. I still need to work on this one. We have the hardest schedule during the week. I go to the gym in the morning before everyone wakes up, and Dave gets home to eat dinner and then put kids to bed and then he goes to the gym, but by then, I'm tired from waking up so early, so we get no quality time together! We do make up for it on the weekends, but it's not enough....
5. Get rid of current credit card because we never use the companion ticket because they make it too hard to redeem and find a card that has good rewards. Good bye AMEX! We got another card for emergencies, but at least we aren't paying an annual fee and geting rewards that we won't use.
6. Trim those rose bushes that I didn't do in the fall, but find out how to do it first and if it's too late. Yes, it was too late, but I trimmed ALL of our front bushes and ALL OF THE NEIGHBORS with their 6th grade son!
7. Clean up the backyard...get rid of sand table, organize toy bench, new pad for the trampoline, clean playhouse and get new flags for the putting green. Oh, and buy a new grill for Dave...seriously, if you saw ours (the same one I wheeled down the street three years ago from neighbors who had it out in the trash) you would see why. Hey, also look at a new umbrella and seat cushions, but if they're to expensive then that doesn't count against my goal!!!! I got a new pad for the trampoline, but that's it!
8. Start violin lessons or at least find a teacher. I tried so hard on this, but it was impossible. I found one music store that had lessons, but only on a Saturday. I even had my neighbor whose in a symphonic band ask around for me.
9. Finish 2007 scrapbooks and start 2008's on line. I went on a retreat and got everything done except for the second half of December. I can't wait to do my books digitally and I did get started.
As for March, I'm simplifying:
1. Decide if I can really take on this PTA treasurer position and then feel good about whatever decision I make!
2. Transfer video camera to DVD.
3. Update water and food storage.
4. Finish 2007 scrapbooks.
5. Have a weekly date with Dave...even if we don't leave the house!
I'm impressed Chaun. I also updated my 72 hr kits and found out they weren't as old as I thought but still way outdated. The good thing about having 4 boys is I could have just passed everything down. Jake would have been in trouble though. I also need to redo my water though.
You did GREAT!!! You had quite the list to start with.
I don't think your busy enough...if I were you I would sign up for the treasurer position and work on weekends downtown Atlanta somewhere. :)
Your blogs are so much fun. I am so glad you normal. That was a very long list, I am glad March is a little shorter. My monthly goals include - keep the kids alive, keep the dog alive, and breath. That's about all I can do right now. Oh and read everyone's blogs as much as possible. Great job. I was nominated for the PTA President position. Not sure I will get it - secretly I hope I won't but I guess if I do I will do the best I can.
Wow, I need to make my lists. You are very ambitious. Like Uncle Rick said, I don't think your busy enough, Ha! You are amazing. You have inspired me.
Is it just me or am I always playing catch up on my blog comments?
1. I think you are really good to have monthly goals. It is a great way to keep yourself focused on what you're trying to accomplish. I try yearly goals, but soon forget they exist and when I do remember there isn't enough time left to even begin. So, I need to learn from your example!
2.I think it's awesome you are trying to watch what your kids eat. I agree with most of the comments that moderation is the key to success. I've found (and my sister is a perfect example of this) that if you completely cut something out of your children's diet they only crave it more. My sister doesn't allow her children to eat ANY candy or sweets....they are CONSTANTLY begging for it - when she goes to the grocery store, grandma's house, friends houses - you name it and they will throw WILD tantrums for it...it's really sad. In contrast, I allow my children to have candy sparingly. I have a drawer in my closet that's usually full. My kids all know where it is but I've never had them steal candy from it. Even at Halloween they'll pick a couple pieces of their candy out to eat and then we put it all in the candy drawer and they usually forget about it after a day or two (after which I usually throw most of it away)! So, watch what you buy and keep LOTS of fresh fruits and vegetables around. The biggest reason our families eat junk is because it's EASY (and if you buy a lot of the fresh stuff you'll soon realize it's also a lot more expensive - but well worth it)...if the healthy stuff is always around and easy to get to, that's what they'll eat! (P.S. I don't claim to be perfect, but this is what's worked best for us!)
3.Gun Control...you're really asking for it with this one! I know there is a lot of controversy over this issue, as was brought out by the range of comments, but I have to agree with the majority of the comments and say that familiarity is CRUCIAL. Joe and I had one of our goals last year to get our Conceal and Carry permits and take Hunters Safety. We did both. Joe carries almost always, I have chosen not to carry yet because I feel most of my children are too small to understand. Clay, however, has been properly instructed on firearms and he knows what is allowed and what is off limits. When he, and the other kids, are of age they will all complete hunters safety. I feel it is ESSENTIAL that children are taught the proper handling of firearms. You can't keep your children away from guns any better than you can keep them away from drugs, alcohol or bullies...they will come across all of these things EVENTUALLY. The important thing is to prepare them so that when they do, they know how to react properly. Give them a proper education. With guns, this means giving them the opportunity to know how to handle them, know what is safe and what isn't. As I said before, I have been through both Hunters Safety and I have my Conceal and Carry Permit and I'm a pretty darn good shot (better than my husband, but don't tell him I told you that), that being said, I am still terrified of guns. I know what they are capable of. I know that they could take someones life. I understand that. However, the bad guys aren't going to avoid using a gun on me because I don't have one to protect myself, quite the opposite - they would be less likely to use one on me if they knew I was armed and could protect myself. People who use guns, even the bad guys, aren't stupid. They are well aware of what a gun can do. I feel homes that have guns are safer homes - when the people in them are properly instructed.
In summary, Hunters Safety is IMPORTANT! Even if you don't plan on keeping a gun in your house, you need to educate yourself and your children. Children need to know what a real gun is capable of in order to keep them safe.
I appreciate you bringing up these issues. It is good for us to talk about them, even if we don't always agree.
You're the best Chaun and I'm sorry about leaving this little novel on your comments...I wish I was better, perhaps that should be my goal for this month!!!
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