Okay, so I don't love TV, but there are certain shows that I absolutely have to watch. I don't turn it on during the day, unless I'm in the kitchen and no one is home and then I watch Fox News to catch up on everything, but there are certain shows that I HAVE to watch each season. I DVR them so I can get through them faster, but I LOVE THEM, so I guess maybe I do love TV. So, right now this is what I watch:
The Hills
American Idol
The Biggest Loser
America's Next Top Model
Oprah's Big Give
I stumbled across Oprah's Big Give (I think that's what it's called) and I LOVE it. I really, really don't like Oprah (gasp!) but I think that show might be the best on TV. I was going to post about it, but my friend Jessi beat me to it and did a better job saying anything I would have said, but I was also going to include another show that I stumbled across...it was the Primetime: What Would You Do? series. I think that's what it was called, but anyway, it was awesome.
If you haven't seen it, what they did was set up situations where some sort of wrong was being committed and had hidden video cameras to see how people reacted. Some examples: A white store clerk refusing to serve a Muslim woman in a deli, a man crying in a park, teenage girls picking on another girl, and also teenage girls making fun of a very large woman at a beach, and so much more. Anyway, it goes on and on...it was amazing to see people's reactions and whenever someone did something great, I would find myself sitting their bawling. It was just so touching.
Anyway, they had this one scenario where these two girls were parked in a handicapped parking space and an obviously handicapped driver with a van had no where to park and they wouldn't move. Some people just walked on by but others started YELLING at the girls to move and even offered to help the other lady park her van.
I have never parked in a handicapped spot, but I have used handicapped restroom stalls before and let me tell you something that happened. One day I was in Macy's and the girls were VERY young. I went into the restroom and nearly every stall was open, except the handicapped one (which I probably would have used and brought the stroller in). So instead we used a tiny one and were washing our hands when a lady in a wheelchair came in. She had NO WHERE to go. There were ten open stalls, but the handicapped one that she needed was occupied, so she had to sit and wait. When the lady came out of it (obviously not handicapped), she looked a little embarrassed, and I was glad that I hadn't used it! It was a good reminder to me that maybe those stalls should be saved for people who need them.
Anyway, this was not a very deep and profound post, but I just wanted to share!
It's Spring and Mikayla and I are doing yard work all day! I even had Dave take the car so I could use his truck to load mulch. Wish me luck!
I've seen that "What would you do" show advertized on GMA but never watched close enough to see when it would be on. I bet it is SO interesting!
What are your plans Monday? I have a little something for you. When is the best time to get it to you??
k I totally feel shallow now, I only watch sleaze reality tv, but... did you see the last American's Next Top Model. That nude shoot was a little much! Not sure the fuzziness quite cover all it was suppose to. I'm a little bummed because I might have to ban that one now. And I was shocked when they got rid of Aimee. But it probably was for the best, she was a too pure and innocent for them.
I have to say that I realized that it's not a good idea to use the handicap restroom anymore when I was on crutches. I really needed to use the handicap restroom with my big boot and the crutches and I needed the rails too. I vowed then, that unless I had both girls with me and we couldn't fit in a regular stall that I would never use the handicap restroom!
I am just like you wheh it comes to TV, even down to the Fox News! Another show you should totally watch is Miss Guided. So totally funny and you will love it because you are a teacher. Go to your DVR and set it to record right this minute. You will not be sorry:)
I watched the What would you do and it was eye opening. Just goes to show you should always try your best to help others and do what's right. Fox News is great b/c it's the only news that isn't too biased.
Survivor this season has had a fun twist w/ the fans vs favs. I hope James goes all the way since he is so nice but usually nice guys don't win this game.
What about CSI and Law and Order? I have to admit, Jenni is right about Miss Guided...it's hilarious and will change your life!
Happy Birthday Chaun!! Hope you do something exciting!
I have been reading all your posts...I am just not a good blogger these days! BUT...I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! This is really not the proper way to do so...but, just the same, I am thinking about you and hope you have had a wonderful birthday and you are awesome and beautiful and I really need to chat with you. Do you ever use IM? Okay....love you so much and well...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! xoxoxo
Ok, I've never seen over HALF of those shows!!!
Tragically, I don't have cable TV and I almost never get an opportunity to sit and watch anything. I use to watch American Idol or The Biggest Loser, but I just haven't had time this year....oh well!!!
I'm glad to hear they are putting some shows on that are uplifting and thought provoking....we could all use a little more of that in our lives, right?!?!
I think you're great and I'm glad you posted about this...food for thought....
a week ago i came across the 'what would you do' and I too thought it was quite the eye opener. We also like american idol, and oprah's big give. I have not seen america's next top model for a very long time. I think it was about a year ago I layed on my couch one night and watched reruns one right after another till about 3:00 a.m. I had just found out I was preg. and was sicker than a dog. I just layed there all night- I couldn't sleep !
so--I got my tv watching in for the month. I've never just layed there for hours watching tv! I was sick and didn't care!!
So come on I know you watch Rock of Love II with Bret Michaels from Poison. That's my favorite reality show, I'm not afraid to represent the Haireality.
I bet that Rick's favorite reality show is Flavor Flav's Flavor of Love.
Wow- I am finally back online. I went vacation for 10 days and came back to no internet. I read all your new posts. They are so great. I have really missed reading them. I am a drama junky. I love CSI, Law and Order, Criminal Minds, etc. I also love Biggest Loser. DVR is the best. I can watch a weeks worth of TV during one afternoon of folding laundry. Just think if I ironed. I could maybe throw in another 5-6 shows on my play list.
Oh I am such a t.v. bum. I really wish I wasn't but it's so easy to just sit down and watch after a long day.
I watched that "what would you do" thing and it has really made me think about those things since.
We like all the same shows. EXCEPT, I can't watch the big give. I want to, but it makes me uneasy and tense. I also can't get into Lost, it's been too long. Oh, and the biggest loser. But the rest on the list - we both like. I saw an ad for an upcoming Hills and they said that Stephen was coming back into LC's life! I got so excited, that's the reason I watch now. And hello? Of course Whitney's going to regret working for someone who says, "you know you're making a deal with the devil right?" Geesh.
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