I feel like I am on a roller coaster that never ends...sometimes it's all uphill, but then I have moments where I really do feel okay. After my horrible breakdown, I was doing alright until I went to the Daisy sleepover on Friday. There were 12 Daisies and 10 moms and as we were all laying there going to sleep, I just got so sad. I thought of these sweet girls and their moms and how different we all are, but what a fun year we've had, and it was just one of the many things I'm leaving.

I have spent countless hours going through every corner, cabinet, closet, and counter throwing out stuff, donating stuff and packing up personal stuff that makes my house to "personal" or "cluttery" for potential buyers. It's crazy. I'm not a pack-rat. I take at least two bags to Goodwill a month, usually more. However, I just don't want to move with anything that I don't need/want. It was great to unload, but I just couldn't believe the junk we had. Seriously, if you think you might move at anytime in your life, start unloading now. I mean, I had FOUR CRATES of college papers, folders and text books that haven't been opened since 1996. Why was I hanging on to them?...and that's just one example.

Here is my garage. I have a pick-up scheduled for Friday. Meanwhile, we can't even get a car into the garage. This doesn't count the overflowing garbage and nine bags full of garbage. I didn't even dare get rid of the grill or college crates this week...it's just too much junk for those poor garbage men to unload in one week.

I didn't even know what a "stager" was until one came to my house. I think I want that job. She walks around and takes down things and moves things and then tells you all the big stuff you need to do before she comes back. The major thing? The playroom. She said, "I know it's organized. I can see baskets for each item...HOWEVER, the walls are bright pink and blue and there is SO MUCH STUFF in there that it simply needs to be unloaded, painted and the guest bedroom needs to be moved in there instead. Choose a few toys to put in the old guest bedroom, but show off the big room as a guest room/home office.

So, this is how I spent Mother's Day. Man, it was so much work. However, I took Christy's advice (the expert on moving cousin of mine whose husband is in the military) and tried to make it fun for the kids. I mean, that has to be a little traumatic...painting over their beloved playroom walls. The girls did a great job with the primer. However, as I was washing out the primer brushes to get going on the color, they had gone back and fingerpainted their names in the wall. Dave had to sand it down...what a mess. They were banned from the playroom after that.
And this was the result...a big difference. I wish you could have seen it before, but I didn't take photos.

And another lesson learned...I got rid of 3/4 of their toys...probably 1/4 of that was donated and the rest is stored in a crawl space for the move. However, they spent every second up there from the time Amelia got home from school until it was time to go to GS tonight. They didn't get so overwhelmed with having so much to play with. They found things that I don't think they even knew they had. Now I don't even want to move with anything in the crawl space!
So this is hard, really hard, but the house is almost ready to go...the computer needs to move up to the bonus room for a "home office" instead of the easy-access location in the sitting room by the kitchen. Apparently, this area had become a "catch-all" according to the stager. Then I need to move the piano to the other wall and move in a chair and ottoman and lamp, and we're done.
Now, if only the house will sell...and this roller coaster will come to an end.
You must be exhausted!!!
Awesome! You guys did a really great job. I can COMPLETELY relate! I know how crazy it is when you get going on these projects and it sometimes feels like they never end! You'll do great though and I'm sure things will clear out and sell soon! Good luck!
Selling a house is up there in the top 4 stressers of all time. I think they are death, baby, moving, divorce. Great job on the room - it looks great! I hope you sell the house - I was so sick of realtors after trying to sell our house in Henderson I was ready to settle for any offer just to be done with it! Good thing we got what we were asking. Dennis got the cards. He said they were really cute! He passed them out to the soldiers there. Your Daisy's are awesome!
We had a stager when we moved from Woods Cross and our house sold sooooo fast because of it! She had her own furniture and accessories that she brought as well and told us exactly what to do. The house looked so much better when she was done with it!!! It will all turn out okay!
I hear you on the extra toys I did the same thing. Eventually I did donate them to the d.i. kids have too much stuff these days.
I know this sounds crazy buy I so want to clean out my kids' closets right now. Good luck on the move. Sorry you have to do it I know moving stinks but it will all work out it always does.
Way to get a stager. I always wondered who hired them after watching a show on TLC or something like that. I tend to look at my house like that all the time. What can I get rid of? We are so crammed that I just love to get rid of stuff. The play room looks great. You should have gone on that show. Good luck w/ the sale!
I'm like you, I have every homework assignment that I have ever done, in about 4 crates. I don't know why I have hung onto all of it for so long. They might make it one more move.
your moving!! Wow what a big thing for your little family. I have to agree... moving is stressful. I always say... change is good, but good change is still hard! Hang in there. Things always have a way of working out. Just wish you could see down the road and see what's a head huh! We will pray for you. Looks like you had a great mother's day!! I'm sure it was a ton of work but it seriously looks awesome. You've just motivated me to go clean Hannah's toys and do some organizing!
Moving is awful. But I hear Charlotte is really cool. Congrats on the new job. Sorry you have to move for it. But.. you are now closer to us! We'll have to drive down sometime and visit you (like how I just invited myself?).
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