Okay, so I won't lie: Life sucks right now. When I say "right now" I mean literally at this minute because in a couple hours I'll be okay with the move, and then something happens and I'll be sad again. However, RIGHT NOW, I'm sad. When we got back from Preschool Graduation, the sign was in the yard, and I guess it just became too real. So here's some stuff to be grateful for:

1. My baby graduated from preschool. "Mom, now I just get to go to BIG SCHOOL!" And she didn't cry on stage, as a matter of fact, she loved it! I was so proud of her that I cried! My shy little girl did great!

She even added dance moves!

I'm grateful that the day before graduation, a box shows up on my doorstep with two of the cutest dresses I've ever seen. In all the craziness, I actually forgot about buying
Mik a new dress for graduation, but my sister randomly sent two just for fun...and right on time!

Oh, and I'm grateful for new Hannah Montana outfits too (thanks
Chell) because when your kids go to school looking and feeling this "fashion," it's hard to not smile.

And I'm oh, so grateful for frilly tutus and ballet recitals.
One of my Grandma's favorite quotes was, "This too shall pass." You're wise to be able to recognize that both the hard and happy times are fleeting and that experiencing them in the moment is what makes us truly ALIVE.
I'm planning on bringing you dinner next week. Is there a night that is best?
So cute! What great timing for the dresses to arrive. I'm glad they liked them.
Way to go Mik!
I am so sorry things suck, or sucked, during that moment...my heart goes out to you!
I know you will love your new home as much as you are loving, and therefore missing, the one you are in now. This too shall pass and I am sure you will be better because, or in spite, of it!
Needless to say, I think you are wonderful, your girls are adorable and you are so lucky to be able to so fully enjoy these very memorable and fleeting moments with them!
I wish you the best, oh and please send me your email address (as well as your new info when you move). I was updating my address book and found it somewhat lacking...oops!)
I so feel for you. It's moving time again in the military and all my friends are leaving. I know the rollercoaster feeling. I was at Kaitlyn's concert today and saw a few of my friends who are leaving this month and got all choked up. I am glad it's not me, but yet I am getting a little antsy. There are many great things about moving. Write them down and hang them up, you can read them everyday to remind yourself why this is a good decision. I wish I could jump on a plane and come and help you. Hang in there girl.
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