Okay, we're doing it...the Marsh Fam is moving to Charlotte. Dave was offered a job that we just can't refuse, and after a lot of thought, prayers and tears, we've decided to go.
It's crazy. I love it here. I can't even express how much I love it. I love the school, and everyone knows my kids. I was the PTA treasurer (actually, after learning my job duties, I'm happy to give up that one), and the GS leader. BUT, I already found a replacement for GS and I'm not going to worry about PTA. The house goes up for sale on Monday, but we will be gone by July so the kids can get settled before school starts.
The schools are great there (we are actually going to live in South Carolina) and the houses are too, and I guess we just have to go for it. I dropped my kids off at their schools yesterday and cried all day long. I called my friend Jen and cried some more, but even through the tears, I know it's the right thing to do. I remember leaving Utah and thinking it might be the end of the world, but I knew that was the right thing to do too...and it was... This will be the same.
Amelia's teachers told me she has been very sad at school for the last two days and it breaks my heart. I just told her today that I'm sad too, but it's also very exciting. I told her she could paint her room in any color (she chose purple with a Hannah Montana border) and then she was all excited. I need to remember how young they are...as long as the four of us are together, that's really all that matters.
On a side note...I can't believe I've been married to Dave for almost 13 years....we've had our ups and our downs, but we've done it together. I'd follow him anywhere...just like 15 years ago when I followed him to the U instead of BYU where I had been accepted. I'd even follow him to Fargo, or Anchorage. He's a good man, and I choose to stick by his side!!!!
Wish me luck, and please say a little prayer for my kids. This is a big deal...the sign goes up Monday and we have to look at it. The realtor told us last night that we need to be in the mindset that this house is no longer ours. Anyone can come through and look anytime. I hate it. I raised my babies here. We made it a home, but I guess that's not what's important.
I feel like crying, too. We are going to miss you so much!! Putting our house on the market would be totally traumatic for me, too. But I can feel your confidence in the decision to go and I know that you will do well in Charlotte. As hard as it can be, moving also provides us with some exciting opportunities. Just think, if you had never come to Georgia we'd never have met. I'm sure there will be lots of people in NC that will grow to have a special place in your heart as well. (Just don't forget us, ok?)
Dang! Too bad it couldn't be back in this direction. I thought last time I spoke w/ you that that was a posibility... Good luck. Moving is hard. But it is also an exciting adventure that teaches you a lot.
Sad??? You're crazy. We can't wait to come out once you're settled. Loucindia and I want our own suite as well. Super cool job, new house, 5 minutes to the lake,1 1/2 hours from the beach.....priceless.
I would have been there by this weekend! Still might!
Good luck chaun. Moving really stinks but it's nice to clean out.
I remember when Jake suggested moving to LV and I was like...what?! Do people live there? And now we love it.
Hey, that's great. N.C. is a lot nicer than Georgia. Georgia is like the arpit of the US. N.C. is like the elbow. :) Just kidding, Ive never been to either. Good luck, change is hard but, I think your always a better person for it. And you know what they say about North Carolina.
Please substitute, armpit for arpit.
I hate moving, but sometimes those changes are what help us grow into the people we are.
I'm sure the move will be hard, initially, for the girls, but they'll make new friends and after a while your new house will become their 'home'!
Besides, you guys are so wonderful and you need to spread the love around a little! So go ahead and share your wonderful personalities with the good people of Charlotte, NC (as long as you continue to come back and visit all of us here in UT every once in a while)!
Good luck!!!
Take it from the moving queen. MOVING SUCKS!!! Everytime we move I hate it, then after about a month or maybe a little longer depending on the place, I love it just as much as the last. I can't imagine not knowing all the friends I have met at each place we have lived. It's also a great chance to go through all your stuff - like Robin said. As far as the kids go, I would suggest to be excited about it. It's okay to express your sadness, but mostly be excited. It will be contagious. Tell them they can do or have something when you get to the new house - like a puppy or rabbit, or barbie jeep or something cool. That will give them something to look forward too. Let them be a part of all the decisions - what house to buy, what to pack, what to sell at the garage sell, etc. We also start planning our reuions with our friends we are leaving behind. They don't always happen but it helps the kids to realize their freinds won't be gone forever. We actually have two friend reunions this summer with different friends we have known from past duty stations. Danielle still emails her friends from past moves, one in Germany, one in Oklahoma, and one in Hawaii. It's so fun to have friends all over the world. So what can I say, but I feel your pain, but chin-up it will be the best thing you ever did.
Y'all are so positive! Thanks so much. Christy, your advice is awesome on how to help the kids deal with it.
WOW - you're moving! Oh man oh man. Crazy stuff. It will all go well and it will be great. I'm with Audri - visit us soon!!!
What???!!! I can't believe you are moving! I'm excited for you, though, and I know you'll make great friends there....us southerners are oh so friendly, bless our hearts! Well, I feel like a big shmuck b/c we never got together. I'm glad we can still keep in touch in the blogging world though. I think you're terrific and I love ya!
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