Okay, so Amelia begged to sign up for soccer again this season. She didn't love it last year, even though I coached both seasons, but since she asked, I obliged. After the first week, she wanted to quit. My response, "You asked to sign up. You started. You will finish." So, she did, and she did so quite well.
Fast forward one month...I arrived at drama today to find a note in my box that read: "Goulds have quit drama as of 11-02-05." Goulds? You mean, SANTA in my Christmas play that is in one month? You've got to be kidding. Not to mention the fact that his younger brother is one of four elves. I called their mom and she informed me that her boys thought it was boring, so they quit. COULD THEY NOT HAVE DECIDED THAT A MONTH AGO??????? Could she not make them stick it out until after the Christmas play? BORING????? They have the leads! What is happening to the youth of today? Things like this.
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