Monday, October 31, 2005

To Volunteer or not...

I woke up this morning and had decided I needed to be at the girls' school Halloween parade. So I arranged to miss lunch and teach the two P.E. classes I would miss for the parade during my lunch. The girls looked so cute and were all ready with their bags to trick-or-treat and the beautiful cupcakes we made the night before (18 cupcakes with two bottles of sprinkles and half a bag of candy corn on top).

Well, we arrived and the girls clung to me like a dryer sheet on a blanket. Mikayla cried the entire parade...if I wouldn't have been there, they would have got over me leaving and would have had fun with their friends and teachers. Even Amelia was upset and didn't even want me to leave to just take Mikayla around when it was her class' turn. Oh well...tonight they will have fun trick-or-treating...if I stay home!

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