Amelia and Mikayla...two peas in a pod.
The bond between sisters can be amazing, even at such young ages. Amelia tells me, "I have lots of friends, but Mikayla is my BEST friend and she's my sister FOREVER, even when we're moms." She has it all figured out.
My girls have such different personalities. One is sweet, sensitive, friendly, and thoughtful. The other is social, determined, strong-willed and funny. To stand back and watch them play is quite the lesson in sociology and psychology...taught by a three and four year old!
They just have their own way of playing, and friends are welcome, but then the play changes. It's almost like they keep their favorite activities for just the two of them; or maybe they just don't want the magic of their game to change. For example, they both would rather play outside and get dirty than play with anything inside, but when I can keep them inside, they dump out all of the toy containers in the playroom (yes, that means puzzles, doll accessories, cars and more, and no, it's not fun to clean up), and they fill them to the brim with STUFF. The stuff never makes a lot of sense: fake money, doll clothes, jacks, a few little Polly dolls, bracelets, a Spanish Bible from Dave's mission, make up, notebooks, etc. Basically, they ruin any sense of organization in the playroom! Then they either carry everything to their bed or downstairs on the entryway rug, which have now become airplanes. They change their names to Megan and Jessica and fly to really exotic places, like Utah.
They love each other fiercely and protect each other to the end. Yes, they fight, but not very much. Sometimes Amelia is the only person who can help Mikayla work things out. She knows just what to say to her and how to say it. Mikayla in turn, showers Amelia with hugs, often wrestling her to the ground. They are indeed two peas in a pod, and I love them!

This is so cute! I think when we were young like your girls, we did the same things. As we got a little older remember playing Barbies for days and the story would just continue and it was never fun if it was anyone else other than you and I. Your girls are super cute. It seems they are very lucky to have each other and each one compliments the other!!
How lucky those girls are to have each other and their lovely mom too.
I always wanted a sister, I think that bond would have been amazing.
Great take on the SS!
This was a great glimpse into two little girls' lives. I can just imagine the chaos in the playground!
Makes me want to hurry up and have another one soon.
What a wonderful description of what sisterhood can be! I hope they retain this special bond throughout their lives. Thanks for sharing it with us!
What beautiful girls! And what a priviledge it must be to watch them play!
Ohh, I love this post. You described the two so perfectly. I can't believe how different they are, but they still get along.
I was laughing out loud about changing their names and flying to Utah. Has every little girl tried to change her name a few times??? I know all of the Stout girls have...
I love and miss you, Chaun. I can't wait to see you in September!!! I wish the kids were going, but it will give me an excuse to take Eric to Georgia next year.
PS- I'm still convinced Amelia was supposed to be mine, so whenever your ready to hand her over...
My daughters are 2 years apart and are the best of friends too. They are still at a stage where they fight more often than not BUT if one gets scoulded, the other will jump, quickly to her defense and try to 'save' her sister! I don't have any siblings so I am learning about this bond as I go along!My 4 year old is M'Kayla and my little one is Elianna.
have a great weekend!
awe, they are so cute! Brit and I never got along when we were younger but we have become a lot closer over the years and now I consider her one of my best friends. Guess what? Stacy is going to be having her baby any time now!!
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »
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