Saturday, December 09, 2006

December Happenings (so far)

This is our fabulous entry into the annual Stout Family Gingerbread House contest. Check out D's blog for her entries. Personally, I think we won the colorful house award.

This is Mary (AKA Amelia) holding her baby, which happens to be the elf that has visited our house every night since December 1st doing random, crazy things each night. I guess he comes to life at night and then stands in for Baby Jesus by day. Last night he wrapped himself in toilet paper and left shreds all over the floor. The day before he built this:

By the way, Isn't Amelia's haircut cute? We both cut off 6 inches.

This was the clubhouse party. So far the list hasn't changed....Mikayla wants a big trampoline and Amelia wants lip gloss.

Okay, and last, Chel and Michael came to visit with Chayla. We got the girls dressed in last year's dresses that we never got their pictures in and decided to do our own. It was so fun and cute. It was nice to have family here. Chell, it's crazy to think that Jaxon is the same age as Chayla. I wish we could have celebrated his birthday with him.

Okay, that's all the December happenings for now. Hope you enjoyed!


Jessi said...

Isn't the Christmas season fun! Your girls are adorable. (And I want to see your hair!!! So funny we both chopped it at the same time.)

Chellie said...

That elf looks scary. I really hope he doesn't come alive at night... or at least know where I live.

I love the gingerbread house. I am a strictly red and green gal, but the colors are so fun! Awesome job Amelia and Mikayla! You may just be the winners this year!

D said...

That elf is hilarious... What a cute idea.

The gingerbread house looks great. I'm shocked that you and Dave didn't make your own also.

Amelia's hair looks SO cute. I bet it's a lot easier to manage. I hope you post a pic of yours soon.

I'm glad the girls got their ornaments. I feel so bad about sending them those knit sweaters for Christmas (I'm already the crazy aunt!) that I thought thy could use something else. Speaking of which, Kayla's sweater is laying on my craft room floor unseamed. I'll mail it out this week. Amelia has hers though... Poor kids.

WX Ences said...

Fun, Fun, Fun! It looks like you have been keeping busy this month!

I love Amelia's hair! It was getting so long. I can't wait to see what your's looks like. I cut 10+ inches, that's a little extreme, but you what can I say, everything I do is in the extreme, more or less.

That elf thing is hillarious! My kids would love that. It sounds like your girls are having fun with it.
