Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ahhhhh, relief.

Jessi's empty trash can post reminded me of what I love to find around my house:

An already made bed with clean sheets.

The dishwasher not ready to be emptied when I need to put dirty dishes in.

Coins sitting on the counter to add to my kids' piggybanks. (Hey, last year we saved $181 that I just rolled for spending money for Disney World next week.)

Tuesday nights when I remember that tomorrow is pizza day and I don't have to make three lunches.

Scrapbooks caught up (oh, when will that happen again???)

Laundry put away.

Clean kids. Tonight I found Mikayla scrubbing the bottom of her black feet with a wet paper towel announcing, "See I don't need a bath, I'm cleaning my feet."

No fingerprints on the glass.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

I love those things, too! (probably because they don't happen very often...)