Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Gift Dilemma

Okay, I need some advice (from all three of you who read this)... I tried to be on top of things this year as far as teacher gifts. I sent out a letter a month ago asking for everyone to send in $5 or $10 to go toward a Visa gift card. I know as a teacher I thought this was the most thoughtful and useful gift, BUT not ONE person sent money, so I went ahead and picked up Wal Mart gift cards just from my girls. I can justify spending $20 each (to make the card worth it but would have only done $10 if everyone would have participated) for the teachers that are with my girls every day.

However, what do y'all do about all the extra teachers: science, Spanish, art, music, media center, computers, P.E., etc. I realized this morning that this is the last week they will see those teachers so I grabbed candles, ornaments, lotions, etc. off my "gift shelf" and hurried and put them together last night...NOT THE IDEAL. What do you do for all the "extra teachers?" I want to be better prepared in the future... I can't spend more than $5 because all together it is 8-9 different teachers....maybe a cookie mix and a cute Christmas dish towel? Nothing??? Plus two of the teachers are men, and I'm sure they don't want a candle or lotion!!! What do you do?


Jenn said...

I found a cute dishtowel, that had a cute gingerbread man on it, with a recipe for gingerbread cookies, and gave instructions on how to do the house. If you wanted to spend a little more, you could include a cookie cutter with the dishtowel, and if you wanted to spend even more, you could include a gingerbread scented candle. Just an idea.

Jessi said...

No one sent in money?!! I always wait for the group gift announcement and send in money for that. It's easier on me and I'm sure the teachers like it best. And as far as the extra teachers, I'm afraid I've never done anything for them. That's pretty rotten. I'll try and put something together for them this year though. I'm liking Jenn's dishtowel idea. You can never have too many dishtowels!

Anonymous said...

In this economic climate?

Canned meat.

Believe me, it will be appreciated.


Kate said...

I'm totally laughing at Stephanie's comment. that's hilarious. We're still in pre-school, so we only have to worry about 1 teacher and everyone does the gift card b/c everyone likes gift cards. Man....thanks for the heads up about next year (kindergarten)....I would have had no clue...Im sure I still won't come next December!

Clanturner said...

I totally forgot about the extra teachers. I think I am doing reindeer or snowman poop for everyone and we got some beautiful jewlery for the teachers. I am sure all teachers love jewlery picked out by their students. Gift card a good idea but our request just came out today - a little late - since we got our presents weeks ago.

amysutherland said...


Blast from the past, its Amy Sutherland from Cornerstone...

Well, i'm not there, haven't been for almost 3 years, but what abouta $5 starbucks gift card, that way they can drink something yummy while they are doing their last minute shopping!


Tauna said...

awesome looking gingerbread houses!!
well my idea's would all be a little late. sorry! I just did the kids' main teacher- I tried to simplify.... it's hard though because I know all those teachers do so much for my children. You are always so thoughtfull!