We had a long talk with our girls when they started asking questions. Dave explained to them that who they choose to marry will be the most important decision of their lives. I guess it's never too early for this discussion. I look back to 1993 when I met Dave at 19 years old, and it seems crazy that fifteen years later we have had two kids and moved across the country and now in a different state away from everyone and everything we knew growing up. We have had our down times and our bad times, but there is no one on earth I would rather be with.
It's been on my mind a lot lately and after Grey's Anatomy last night (love it), Barbara Walter's 10 Most Fascinating People came on, so I watched for a minute. Will Smith was first and I LOVED his view on marriage. I couldn't find the exact transcript, but it was similar to the one below:
"What I found is divorce just can't be an option," the actor explained. "It's really that simple. The secret to their success? "We're like listen, we're going to be together one way or the other so we might as well try to be happy," he said.
He also said something about how if you go into marriage thinking that divorce is always an option, you will end up divorced. Now, I don't consider Will Smith the expert on marriage, but I totally agree with what he's saying.
So, here's looking to our 50th Wedding Anniversary, 38 years from now. I know there will be more rough times, but I plan on having enough happy times to overshadow those. And, divorce is not an option. I think we can work on a lot of things...loving more, spending more time together, not letting kids be a priority over our relationship, but we're in this forever and I'm excited about the ride.
I love it! Chaunette, you are so insightful!
I think Will and Jada are swingers.
Great Post. So, speaking of Grey's...are you tired of the dead Denny being there yet? I am! It's so weird. The Soup totally made fun of it on Friday night too...it was funny. I love Grey's too, but...sex with a dead guy?? REALLY!???
Man, I just saw "I Am Legend" for the first time and it was awful. But I do think Will Smith is a good guy and for most marriages, this is what it takes... A man who loves his wife and family above all else.
Since I have lived here (7 years) I have had 5 good friends divorce for all different reasons in the first 5 years. It is so sad but it makes me love my hubby more!
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