Saturday, March 07, 2009


I am stealing this idea from Jenn R....who stole it from someone else!

I think it is a good way to learn about somebody. Everybody has things that they do that people may find embarrassing or things they did earlier in life that they rather not share. Here is my list. No judging!

Please comment and tell me some of your confessions. Play along!

1. Sometimes after running crazy all morning I lay down at 1:00 or so and take a nap until 2:00 when the kids get off the bus.

2. I want everyone to like me even if I do not like them.

3. Sometimes I wait a day between showering.

4. I have to weigh less that a certain number on the scale each morning, and if I don't I don't eat much that day.

5. I pick and bite the skin around my thumb nails. To the point that it sometimes bleeds.

6. I think I put in seven really hard years of giving up my career and staying home to raise two fabulous kids, so now that both are in school, I have days to shop, get my hair/nails done, or put my feet up for a bit...but secretly, I feel guilty about it.

7. I hate going to the doctor and think that it shows weakness.

8. I think I will never measure up to my mom...or my dad.

9. I wish I could redo my wedding and get married in Cabo...don't worry, I'd still marry the same guy. :)

10. I really wish my husband would buy me a new ring...but I love him...and secretly I love how cheap ("frugal") he is.

Okay, those were deep thoughts from Chaun and now it's your time to play along!!!!


Jenn said...

I love that!! Hangnails- I do it, too. I wished I could re-do my wedding, too. I think I would skip the reception, and take the money. I can buy my own 3.00 cake tongs, thanks! I am a brat!! I think I will feel the same way when my kids are in school, but I don't see how you can work and be home when they do. Maybe there is a job that is accomidating?! I will have to think about the list. I loved yours, and agreed with a lot of them, if not all. I do not weigh myself, but you look great, so maybe I should start. That could be my secret weightloss plan- I will follow the Chaunette plan!!

Alli said...

this one is fun! and a couple posts ago about "fixin to drop this stuff" almost killed me!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever go to the doctor??? You better have.

Anonymous said...

You'd probably get knifed in Cabo.

I don't remember you showering that often when you were here visiting. I think it's more like 3-5 days. Can we have Dave verify this??

I think the doctor issue is a family thing. When Eric isn't feeling well, I usually tell him to "man up" and then kick him in the shins.