Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Little Controversial...

I grew up around guns. My dad took me out when I was ten (or younger) and he taught us how to shoot a .22. We shot at targets, and I even scrapbooked my target practice sheets. However, for some reason, I started being very anti-gun around my high school years. When I met Dave, I made him store all his guns out in the garage. I told him we would never have a gun in the house and our girls would NEVER be around them. I don't even really know why. I just started getting scared of them.
Well, guess what, I've changed. After these recent college shootings, I've thought a lot about it. I want my girls to know how to use guns. And guess what? I want them to carry them. I want them to protect themselves from all those crazy people out there. So, in the next few years, the Marsh girls will learn how guns work, the dangers of them, and also the protective value of them.
I think the world would be a lot safer if people that are educated about guns are carrying them and know how and when to use them.
Monday, February 18, 2008
100 Things About Me
1. I get totally grossed out by bad breath, but for some reason when my kids breathe all over me in the morning, I like it.
2. I have a tendency to get taken advantage of with other people's kids and don't do anything about it until I'm ready to explode and then I regret it.
3. I really like being the Daisy leader. I think the program is so important in a girl's life and I can't wait for future years of involvement.
4. I get annoyed by parents who don't volunteer to help with Girl Scouts or in the classroom or whatever.
5. I realize now that some parents who don't get involved (like at the preschool level) were just too busy with their kids in the elementary school so I shouldn't have been annoyed.
6. My favorite restaurant is any type of hibachi grill.
7. We hardly ever eat beef at home but sometimes I want a big old burger, even more than a juicy steak and I eat it and then feel sick.
8. I hit the scale at 250 pounds while pregnant with Amelia (maybe more, but I stopped looking at the scale and even stepped on it backwards so I couldn't see).
9. I can't believe I lost 120 pounds. I don't even know how.
10. I weigh less now than I did in high school, but I don't look the same.
11. I am in better shape than I ever have been and I didn't realize it until I went jogging and I didn't stop for three miles. I guess the spin classes really helped without me realizing it.
12. I get annoyed with home school moms IF they bash public schools and try to tell me that their kids are so much better off.
13. I grew up dancing my entire life, even on college drill team, but I think I would have been better at sports.
14. I didn't want my kids to be cheerleaders or dance, but they love it, and they're good at it...way better than at any sports they've tried.
15. I don't want my kids to be "popular" I just want them to be nice and not care if they're popular.
16. I could listen to my kids talk to each other forever...it's better than any music. And I seriously laugh at what they say.
17. I love 80's hair band music. I love Poison, Def Leppard, Van Halen with Sammy and all that good stuff.
18. I would have loved Dave in high school and I think he would have been a good friend.
19. Speaking of "Daves" in high school...my best friend in high school was named Dave and I think he changed my life for the better. We send Christmas cards only but I think about him and wish that he knew the difference he made in my life.
20. I played the violin in high school orchestra, but I didn't think it was "cool."
21. I wish I would have kept up with it so I could teach lessons now.
22. I love tutoring. It makes me feel smart to use my brain and also proud of myself that I can explain things so she can understand it.
23. I mostly love tutoring because I'll be ready to help my kids when they are in algebra!
24. I love to help at the elementary school, but I think teachers should have full-reign of their class and I only help and never give advise, even when they ask for it because I think Amelia's teachers are awesome and I don't ever want them to think that I'm a pushy know-it-all mom.
25. I fall down a lot when I dance. I did a face plant on the football field doing an air split. I made a crash-landing in a genie costume at a basketball pep rally and I fell on my back in a bar listening to Barry's cousin's band play in Atlanta.
26. I'm really not a very good dancer.
27. I am annoyed by moms that try to re-do their childhood through their children....like the cheerleading moms who's only goal is having their child make high school cheerleader ten years down the road.
28. I bite my nails.
29. I hate to be patted. I hate when people hug me and pat my back or even just a pat on the arm.
30. I like squeezes and hugs.
31. I don't like to french kiss.
32. I feel bad that I don't like to french kiss. I used to kiss Dave like that all the time.
33. I wish I would have danced at my reception.
34. Other than that, I loved my reception. I think the Joseph Smith Building is one of the most beautiful buildings I've been in.
35. I love my parents.
36. When people complain about their parents, I can't sympathize or empathize. My parents are awesome.
37. I talk to my mom every day and I miss her all the time.
38. I think my mom sacrificed a lot to give her kids a better life.
39. I think my dad did too.
40. I think knowing that makes me a better parent.
41. I think God always leads me in the right direction, and I constantly look back at my life and realize that if I would have made one other decision about college, I would have never met Dave and I realize what a part God had in all that.
42. I hate to spend money.
43. I feel guilty after I go on a shopping spree.
44. Sometimes I want to have a whole year where the only thing I buy is food and pay bills and not buy one piece of clothing for anyone in the family or toys, or eat out or whatever just to see if I can do it.
45. If I could live on Diet Coke, water, Dots and candy hearts, I would.
46. Last week I cut down to 2 12-ounce Diet Cokes a day and I feel better and I lost weight.
47. I worry about drinking out of aluminum cans and the amount of aspartame I have put into my body.
48. Even though I worry, I'll never give up Diet Coke completely.
49. I really don't like animals, especially dogs, but once I see how much the families love their dogs and cats, it makes me love them too.
50. Everyone always asks me to watch their dogs when they go on vacation, so I think they realize that I love THEIR dogs, just not dogs in general.
51. I am really proud of my little brother on a mission.
52. I think one of the best things that ever happened to me as a teacher was being Steph's 8th grade English teacher at Farmington Jr. We had the best two years ever and I missed her like crazy when she went to high school.
53. I don't think I can ever be the kind of teacher I was before kids. I just can't devote that much energy now that I have my own family.
54. Some of my best childhood memories are of just playing Barbies with Chell OUR way. It was never fun when other girls tried to play Barbies with us.
55. I love Dave more than anything in the whole world.
56. I don't think I do a good enough job showing him that.
57. I am proud of my kids when we go to a store and they say, "We can't get that because it's not on the list" and they don't even ask.
58. But, it makes me want to buy it for them even more.
59. I really hate cold weather.
60. When it's hot, and I'm outside, I'm happy.
61. I wanted to be a teacher, but if I wasn't going to do that, I wanted to be a white water river raft guide on the Snake in Jackson Hole.
62. When I got my lifeguarding certification, I never had to work harder physically in my entire life. I couldn't swim the length of the pool in the allotted time without taking a breath and I had to practice every day even after the class ended until I could do it.
63. I could tread water for hours though, even holding a brick above my head.
64. I never remember movies but I like them while I'm watching them.
65. I love to read but I have a problem with the need to finish every book I start so when I run across a dull book, it takes me forever to finish and then I don't get to read what I want to be reading.
66. I am fascinated with the Titanic.
67. I think my grandparents are the hardest working people I've ever known.
68. I think if kids today worked as hard as that entire generation, our world would be a different place.
69. I think "the No Child Left Behind" policy is a bad one.
70. I sleep in yoga pants and one of my Hi-Lo sweatshirts every night. I don't even own pajamas or a nightie.
71. I hate to wear robes, even though I have two nice ones. I get ready completely naked and probably should wear one. :)
72. I was intimidated by the whole social thing in the south (especially throwing lavish parties and showers). But now, I think Utah has it right on how they throw parties, and I don't feel like I have to do it like they do in the South.
73. People think I'm cheap though because of it. But I think they secretly wish they could do the same.
74. I think teenagers are awesome. I love that the neighbor boys like to hang out over here and I feed them because I like them over here and want them to stay.
75. Throughout my life, I have become great friends with people who have very sick kids AFTER their kids have become sick and then remained great friends. I have realized that sometimes people need friends that didn't really know their child before they were sick for a lot of different reasons.
76. I hate to have a messy house.
77. I wish I didn't care so much about having a clean house.
78. I never notice if my friends' houses are clean or not. Sometimes when they point it out I then realize what a mess it is and the fact that I could care less.
79. I don't always notice things about friends: lost weight, hair cuts, new outfits, and I wish that I was more perceptive.
80. I am not perceptive at all. I don't know what color of eyes people have or what house people are talking about when they say, "you know, the house on your street with the green shutters."
81. I have a perm but I usually straighten my hair.
82. I have a few gray hairs.
83. I think the best breakfast in the world is one packet of Kroger fruit (any flavor) and cream oatmeal and a piece of wheat toast.
84. Sometimes we get McDonald's for breakfast or go out, and it tastes good, but I'd rather have oatmeal.
85. When I was a kid I hated tacos, spaghetti and cheese. Now I love all three.
86. I love tacos so much that we eat them every Wednesday after gymnastics.
87. I really want to redo my girls' bedroom, but they don't want me to.
88. I love for my girls to share a bedroom and I think it's cute that they sleep together and no one will sleep on the top bunk.
89. I love playing games, especially Poker.
90. I think I learned math by playing cards with my dad at a very young age!
91. I still remember the Saturdays that my dad would take me to the book store and let me pick out any book I wanted. I do the same for my kids now.
92. I think if a kid learns to read well, he/she will do well in school...in every subject.
93. I don't like gold and silver mixtures. I have some rooms in my house that mix the two, and that is something I'm perceptive about!
94. I love to squish play dough and to color in coloring books with my kids.
95. I do not like to play dolls, house or school with my kids.
96. I wish that I did.
97. I am so happy that I have two girls and that they are so close in age.
98. I don't like Dave to buy me flowers. I think it's a waste of money.
99. I make a list every day of what I want to accomplish and I love to cross it off.
100. I have not ironed anything in about ten years.
Friday, February 15, 2008
A Day of Love

Then Mikayla said, "Mom, I need to have a worm birthday for my earrings!!!! Can you go buy the stuff????"

Mikayla: Mom, I’m so hot I’m sizzling like a piece of bacon!!!!
Mikayla: (Said about Amelia and her friend who were leaving Mikayla out) MOM, THEM ARE RUINING MY LIFE!
Mikayla: (Explaining to Amelia) Amelia, my birthday is very soon because the grandpa didn’t see his shadow so spring is earlier and that means my birthday that’s in the spring is coming earlier.
Mikayla: Amelia, you don’t need to be afraid of shots because I know the ‘shot girl’ and I can tell you all about it.

The Power of Words
In a small gap in the procession, there was a man, older than the others.
He wore a beard and torn clothes.
His eyes were the color of agony, and weightless as he was, he was too heavy for his legs to carry.
Several times, he fell.
The side of his face was flattened against the road. On each occasion, a soldier stood above him. "Steh' auf, " he called. "Stand up."
The man rose to his knees and fought his way up. He walked on.
Every time he caught up sufficiently to the back of the line, he would soon lose momentum and stumble again to the ground. There were more behind him--a good truck's worth--and they threatened to overtake and trample him.
The ache in his arms was unbearable to watch as they shook, trying to lift his body. They gave way one more time before he stood and took another group of steps.
He was dead.
The man was dead.
Just give him five more minutes and he would surely fall into the German gutter and die. They would all let him, and they would all watch.
Then, one human.
Hans Hubermann.
It happened so quickly.
The hand that held firmly on to Liesel's (Hans' daughter) let it drop to her side as the man came struggling by. She felt her palm slap her hip.
Papa reached into his paint cart and pulled something out. He made his way through the people, onto the road.
The Jew stood before him, expecting another handful of derision, but he watched with everyone else as Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like magic.
When it changed hands, the Jew slid down. He fell to his knees and held Papa's shins. He buried his face between them and thanked him.
Liesel watched.
With tears in her eyes, she saw the man slide farther forward, pushing Papa back to cry into his ankles.
Other Jews walked past, all of them watching this small, futile miracle. They streamed by, like human water. That day, a few would reach the ocean. They would be handed a white cap.
Wading through, a soldier was soon at the scene of the crime. He studied the kneeling man and Papa, and he looked at the crowd. After another moment's thought, he took the whip from his belt and began.
The Jew was whiped six times. On his back, his head, and his legs. "You filth! You swine!" Blood dripped now from his ear.
Then it was Papa's turn.
A new hand held Liesel's now (read the book and you will love her friend, Rudy) and when she looked in horror next to her, Rudy Steiner swallowed as Hans Hubermann was whipped on the street. The sound sickened her and she expected cracks to appear on her papa's body. He was struck four times before he, too, hit the ground.
When the elderly Jew climbed to his feet for the last time and continued on, he looked briefly back. He took a last sad glance at the man who was kneeling now himself, whose back was burning with four lines of fire, whose knees were aching on the road. If nothing else, the old man would die like a human. Or at least with the thought that he WAS a human.
I have read so many books on the Holocaust. When I had to teach "The Diary of Anne Frank," I had to learn so much about WWII. I am struck with the power that words had. Hitler had words and had an idea and crafted pure evil with the words he used. People followed his words. They took them into their hearts and followed blindly. I hope that they didn't know the magnitude of things that were happening. But, how did they not when they saw so much of what was going on? I mean, this is just one example of Jewish people being paraded in front of their homes.
I am also struck with the ability of words that feed the soul. How was it that some people took those words and knew they were wrong? They knew that evil was crafted through words and never took it into their hearts. Was it because it went through their heads first? I don't know.
I wonder what I would have done. Would have I ran out and given bread knowing what would then happen to me, or to my family? I hope so. I hope I would have risked everything to fight the horribleness of it all. I hope that the words wouldn't have ever penetrated and I would have always discerned evil from humanity.
I guess the lesson that I can learn now is about the power of words. I can never take words back. I can apologize for them and feel bad about something I've said, but I can never truly take them back. I can use words to influence for good or bad. I can use words to show love or hate. I can use words to belittle and berate or words to uplift and feed the soul. Words can be damning or brilliant.
I can also learn that there are people in my life who need help in many different ways, and I can either sit back and do nothing or choose to help someone in need. I choose to get up and see if I can make a difference. I might not end up running out in the middle of a parade of desperately ill Jewish people being marched to Dachau, but I can get in the middle of things when I see hate...and I will.
There is beauty and there is brutality. I am contantly overestimating and underestimating the human race and maybe I just need to estimate it....and do the best that I can.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My Favorite Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Best Play Dough
3 Cups Water
1 1/2 Cups Salt
2 T. Vegetable Oil
1 T. Cream of Tartar
1 Pack of Cherry Kool Aid (or whatever color you want it) I tried Pink Lemonade to make some of the balls pink, but it wasn't bright enough.
The secret ingredient is the Kool-Aid. It makes the play dough a vibrant color and makes it smell good!
Heat it all in a skillet (or even a big pot would work). It's hard to mix it all together and it's super hot, so scoop it up on wax paper and let it cool for awhile and then knead it all together.
Store in bags for up to a week or more. I made balls for each kid so they can play in class and then bring some home, but you can put it all in one bag. The recipe makes four nice size balls. I like it better than store bought play dough, and it's even fun to make!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
A Tribute to Hannah/Miley

We had so much fun at the Hannah Montana movie tonight! I secretly love her show and her music. I even listen to the CD when the kids aren't in the car.
I also heard a very informative conversation. Mikayla wanted to watch Hannah Montana before school, but Amelia explained it all to her: "Mikayla, let me explain something to you: The reason the Hannah Montana show is not on in the morning is because Hannah Montana is still sleeping."
I'm glad she wasn't asleep during the movie, because we would have missed out on a great time. Mikayla is still convinced that she was in the theater with us. I'm sure the 3-D glasses only added to the confusion.
On another note, I am so disappointed with the Georgia results for Romney. When I was voting this AM, only two other people were there...an 80-something year old couple. So, I really hope it wasn't an instance of people just not getting out to vote.
Peace. Love.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
February Goals

Okay, I am totally copying Jessi's idea, and even her picture, but I really wanted to get myself organized this short month and get some things accomplished, so I am going to list my goals for this month and hold myself accountable!
1. Fire Marshall Fight: Start gathering moms, arguments, petitions and figure out what it's going to take to reverse this absolutely ridiculous Forsyth County Fire Marshall and his crazy rules about what a school cannot have. Make an appointment to speak to SOMEONE who can change this or at least put up a fight with me.
2. Lose those #$^%^ five pounds that I put on in December.
3. Update my emergency backpacks and plan three days of meals and put them on the storage shelf. Also, replace the water storage (a year overdue).
4. Be a better wife.
5. Get rid of current credit card because we never use the companion ticket because they make it too hard to redeem and find a card that has good rewards.
6. Trim those rose bushes that I didn't do in the fall, but find out how to do it first and if it's too late.
7. Clean up the backyard...get rid of sand table, organize toy bench, new pad for the trampoline, clean playhouse and get new flags for the putting green. Oh, and buy a new grill for Dave...seriously, if you saw ours (the same one I wheeled down the street three years ago from neighbors who had it out in the trash) you would see why. Hey, also look at a new umbrella and seat cushions, but if they're to expensive then that doesn't count against my goal!!!!
8. Start violin lessons or at least find a teacher.
9. Finish 2007 scrapbooks and start 2008's on line.
Okay, I know this was such an interesting post, but at least I have it written down so I can start working!