1. He will wear the pink tie I bought him.
2. He gave me two Kohl's gift cards this morning for Valentines even though we have never remembered to give each other anything in years past.
3. He LIKES to go to the Daddy-Daughter dances with the girls and even has fun while he's there.
4. He is CRAZY. He gets the girls all wound up before bed or before he leaves and I get all mad, but really, it's fun.
5. He is athletic. He especially likes to show his skills doing a split-leap in the middle of the Kroger aisle for all to see.

1. She is 100% her own person. She just does what she wants to do and dresses how she wants to dress.
2. She is kind. She is nice to everyone, and sometimes I even have to tell her that she doesn't have to be so nice to mean kids!
3. She is such a good big sister.
4. She is a great back-tickler and has long fingernails that she takes great pride in.
5. She's smart and really thinks about things and wants to know how everything works.

1. I never have to worry about how she is doing. She always tells me!
2. She gives the best hugs and kisses. Sometimes she doesn't let go.
3. She is always sweet about going to bed.
4. She is very compassionate. She loves her friends and will stick up for them even if it means getting in fights on the playground with girls that are being mean to one of her friends. She has also shown so much compassion to her best friend Kristen with Leukemia.
5. She is artistic. Maybe it's the whole left-handed thing, but she's a great dancer, singer and artist.

Happy Valentine's Day!
You are blessed with a darling family. And THEY are blessed with such a wonderful mother!! I am sure they have no doubt of your love for them.
This was so fun to read. You have a darling family.
I was looking at the photos of Amelia and I can definitely see your sister Stephanie in her. Am I right?
Cute! Happy Valentine's Day!
Yes, everyone calls Amelia, "Little D." That's funny you noticed from pictures, because it's not just how she looks, it's also how she acts and the thing she says. D (Steph) always tells me that Amelia is the daughter she was supposed to have!
I didn't know little Mikayla is a leftie. What cute pictures! I love how individual Amelia is and Mikayla has such a fun personality. I just love wathing them grow b/c I feel like I'm going back in time with you.
Nice post! You have a very cute family. Your girls look sweet and sassy! Can't beat a Kohls gift card and you didn't even have to ask for it...nice! Its a good thing Kool aid playdoe doesn't taste good or I'd eat it all up!
Great post!!!
Megan! I'm so glad you said that. Amelia was supposed to be mine, but there was some sort of a mix-up. :) I think we look just alike, especially now that my hair is "chocolate."
Cute post, Chaun!
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