We had so much fun at the Hannah Montana movie tonight! I secretly love her show and her music. I even listen to the CD when the kids aren't in the car.
I also heard a very informative conversation. Mikayla wanted to watch Hannah Montana before school, but Amelia explained it all to her: "Mikayla, let me explain something to you: The reason the Hannah Montana show is not on in the morning is because Hannah Montana is still sleeping."
I'm glad she wasn't asleep during the movie, because we would have missed out on a great time. Mikayla is still convinced that she was in the theater with us. I'm sure the 3-D glasses only added to the confusion.
On another note, I am so disappointed with the Georgia results for Romney. When I was voting this AM, only two other people were there...an 80-something year old couple. So, I really hope it wasn't an instance of people just not getting out to vote.
Peace. Love.
I'm so jealous. I keep trying to get my boys to go to the movie with me but they won't. ):
As for the super Tuesday, I'm way bummed! I won't vote for McCain if a democrat is going to ruin the country in the next 4 yrs I want him/her to have a (D) after their name.
I totally have not gotten into the Hannah Montana/Miley craze at all. I'm so not cool.
This voting thing is crazy! Politics is politics so I've been as careful as I can about what I say, but I'll die if Clinton gets anywhere near the White House. Very disappointed in Romney's results tonight. That was unexpected.
Hannah is a favorite among "all" my children. I walk in and the twins will just be staring at her. We love her here but have yet to see the movie.
I'm in a depression right now about the primaries but I think Romney should pull out and let all the crooked politics go on w/o him. He didn't do as well as I would have liked but I am impressed with him all the same.
You know, I didn't even know Hannah Montana existed until Walker and Pam brought their kids to Ennis last summer. I was forced to watch Hannah on tv and it actually was a pretty cool show. Not something I tune into regularly though.
I'm in a little depression after Super Tuesday. I won't vote for McCain b/c it's against my conscious to do so, but I can't vote for Hillary or Obama either. BUT, I also have to vote b/c if I don't, then I'll feel like less of a citizen. so, I think I'll just write in Mitt's name on the ballot. maybe if enought people do that, he'll win!
I love Hannah Montana. Maybe we can see the movie again in March.
My daughter(Hannah Montana Fan) was at the daddy daughter dance tonight with her dad. She has all the Hannah episodes on TIVO. What did my boys watch on their sister/dad free night? They watched Hannah Montana shows-of course its because they think Jackson and Ricco are sooo funny.
I totally love Hannah Montana too! I have got to take Joni to see her movie:)
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