I was talking to a mom last week while helping out at the preschool, and she was telling me how her daughter is allergic to almost all "processed food." Apparently, the food dyes is what was causing it and now her daughter is autistic. She's not sure which came first, but they seem to be related. I started looking at what my kids eat, and it was scary. I mean, I make a consious effort every day to eat a good breakfast, pack a very healthy lunch and eat a healthy dinner. However, even the 100 calorie packs that are so-called "healthy" are filled with artificial ingredients and lots of food dyes. I guess I need to work it all out again and be even more careful about what I pack. Both of my girls have a sweet tooth and that's fine, but there are even healthy desserts that I can replace them with, or at least desserts that have all natural ingredients and not words I can't even pronounce. Anyway, what are some of your healthy family snacks? I need help!
I try and keep a moderate balance. On occasion you will find cheetoes, pop tarts, or oreos in our house. But we always have fruits and veggies to balance them out. I know I have recipes for healthier versions of the packaged snacks, but I just don't have the energy to keep us stocked up on them.
My kids snack on Peanut Butter and Nutella Sandwiches, cheese and crackers, and cheese Quesadillas. I have been buying trail mix for the outings and honey nut cheerios is always a big hit. When I found out Danielle had ADHD I tried a gluten free diet for her - I tried that for a few days and said the heck with this- I think moderation is the key. My kids loves fruit and Cameron loves salad, so I try to always have these healty choices around, but after school sometimes they just want a cheese quesadilla - I use the low fat tortillas, and the low fat cheese, it's still not the best choice. but better than a candy bar.
Even in our neck of the woods we try to eat healthy, these are some healthy snacks that our little boy likes:
Lightly salted Coon Jerky, Pickled pigs feet, Slightly sugared possum parts, Sweet Dried Fillet O' Carp, Sams Choice Kippered herring, and Crawfish heads on a stick.
No artificial coloring or flavors=Healthy Redneck Baby.
I think in Georgia you should be able to find any of that at any Piggly Wiggly, Fill that "Buggy" up and get to eatin!
I've been trying to do the same thing. I just am sick of hyper kids. But it helps when you have a kid that is always looking for something healthy (richie). I have quit buying fruit snacks. We have been eating a lot of crackers. My kids favorite after school snack is Ritz crackers, cottage cheese w/ paprika on top. My friend Chantel, used to feed us this. It's healthy. But sometimes they substitute the crackers w/ chips. I buy everything low-fat that I can and just make sure there are always apples, bananas and grapes. The kids love to dip their fruit in peanut butter or yogurt.
I'll be checking this sight so find more ideas. Thanks!!
Ugh...it is such a dilema!! Thanks for your suggestions. My kids love p-butter and apples, and they LOVE grapes, so they eat lots of grapes and apples! Sydney also likes oranges, which is great, but she also loves candy, which, unfortunatley, we've had a ton of since Halloween, then Christmas,the Valentines day and Easter is coming up. ugh. I just need to throw it all away! My girls also love cheese sticks, but they are processed as well, so I try to give them "regular" cheese adn just cut some slices for them, and they like that. I've been a little concerned about the dye in the Flintstone's vitamins as well, but they are the only kind of vitamin Sydney will eat. Any suggestions on that?
Y'all are awesome! Thanks for the advice, minus Dave Riddle of course. Although he did remind me of jerky...that's a good snack, just not the kind he's talking about. The vitamin question is a great one too... I just checked the gummies my kids take...so much sugar IN A VITAMIN! Crazy! Does anyone take Juice Plus?????
One of my friends told me to put out a veggie tray while your making dinner and your kids will snack on them because they are hungry. It works for me. (when I remember) Also be careful of the low-fat stuff. A lot of the time it has more bad stuff in it to make it low-fat. My advise is to keep ever thing in moderation.
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