Mikayla figured out how to make a heart with her hands today! Perfect Timing ;)

I love Valentine Decorations (they're sparce, but meaningful!)

These are the shoes I bought with my Kohl's gift cards!

Nicki and Emily were all ready for the day of love, along with a few other trinkets.

"MIKAYLA, OH MY GOSH! TOMORROW IS HAPPY EARRING DAY!" Mikayla then asked, “What’s that, Amelia?” Amelia explained: "You got your ears pierced on Valentine’s Day last year so tomorrow is Happy Earring Day!"
Then Mikayla said, "Mom, I need to have a worm birthday for my earrings!!!! Can you go buy the stuff????"

I love the crazy things my kids say. This is just a few that I remembered to write down from the last few days:
Mikayla: Mom, I’m so hot I’m sizzling like a piece of bacon!!!!
Mikayla: (Said about Amelia and her friend who were leaving Mikayla out) MOM, THEM ARE RUINING MY LIFE!
Mikayla: (Explaining to Amelia) Amelia, my birthday is very soon because the grandpa didn’t see his shadow so spring is earlier and that means my birthday that’s in the spring is coming earlier.
Mikayla: Amelia, you don’t need to be afraid of shots because I know the ‘shot girl’ and I can tell you all about it.

I forgot to take pictures of all the cookies and brownies I made yesterday, but I made a lot for Amelia's Daddy Daughter dance at school tonight. You can see the mixes in the background. I forgot the rule about "no homemade treats" so I was glad that the lunch lady in charge of the dance told me she'd serve them anyway!

I love to feel loved and to have the girls feel loved. This picture is of Mikayla and her favorite valentine that she received at school. It was so funny because it was just a Spiderman one from the infamous "Kyle." However, for some reason she thought it was something special and that he gave it to her, and her only. She carried it around all day yesterday and today.

Today Amelia got the mail while I got everything out of the car, and she yells, "Mom, I'm on a magazine!!!" I was like yeah, whatever and kept on with my business. But she was pretty persistent about it, so I started thinking maybe it was something from Snapfish that they had printed to get me to buy something or whatever. But, when she got it to the door, I realized, that she was! She thinks she's totally famous. Mikayla's on there too, along with their friends. I'm sure they will all be giving out autographed copies soon.
Valentine's day is so fun! Did they get to use their Princess Cookbook? I love that book!
What cute dresses for their dolls! Looks so fun to have little girls. This year I had to buy a box of chocolates for Emily to give a boy! Times change quick. so cute that Mikayla loved the boy valentine. Tommy thought his teachers valentine was something special just for him. he had me read it and read it to him. He'd smile real big each time.(she's a doll)
Your Valentine's post is so great! My Valentine's day was kind of a bummer, I'm going to post it after writing this. My girls are 2 1/2 years apart..almost to the day. I think yours are closer, aren't they? I can't believe how grown up your girls are now! They are both so beautiful!!!
How cute are those little girls on the front of that magazine!!! Your girls are so cute I love when you add what they say. Can I just add my happy earring day to them both.
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