I've never had a good memory. I had a fabulous childhood...ups and downs, but I seem to just remember all the good times. My first VIVID memory is when I was five and in kindergarten. I had this terrible allergy to bees and mosquitos. Every time I was bit by a mosquito my eyes would swell shut. Because there was no way to prevent mosquito bites, my parents just made me get over being self conscious of my eyes being swelled shut and go to school!
I remember walking a mile to the bus stop (I lived in Bloomington, Utah at a time when there were just a handful of houses right outside of St.George). I got on the school bus and sat by myself in the middle of the bus next to the window. I remember facing the window so no one could see my eyes. Then, my favorite babysitter Sammy and her friend Teya got on the bus. They were in fifth grade and sat by me and were so nice.
By the time I got to school (about 15 miles away), I was happy and not worried about my swollen eyes. I grew out of the allergy little by little, but I've always remembered how nice the "big girls" were to me on the bus.
That is so nice that they were kind to you. A little kidness lasts a lifetime huh?
wow, that story really touches my heart.
It's lovely that all you remember are just the good times. So much nicer than the alternative.
I think I already told you this, but...I have a picture of me and you hanging on my bulletin board in my room. Any time anyone see's it they ask "Is that your older sister?" I should show you a picture of me when i'm younger, It looks a LOT like the picture you have posted in this entry.
oh, and I love that you have a postsecret link. I own a book of postsecret. i love it.
I totally remember Sammy and Teya. How sweet of them! I thought the story was going to turn for the worse... so glad it was a good one!
I too, see amelia in you. Cute!
I really like Sunday Scribblings... I think I may join the next one.
I wish we didn't play phone tag so much.
That was a good memory. I'm glad those girls were nice to you. :)
That is such a great story Chaun! I am going to have Brayden read this so he will always be reminded to look out for the little guy. Those pics of you when you are little are ADORABLE. I like this sunday scribblings. I think I will need to play too!
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